Saturday, 10 March 2018

تداول الفوركس نعرفكم

فريد الفوركس.
الفوركس فريدة من نوعها هي ثلاث نقاط استراتيجية التداول العملة خوارزمية مصممة للتاجر. سعيا وراء الزخم، تم تصميم خوارزمية لدينا لالتقاط التحركات على ظهور اللاعبين الكبار في وول ستريت. https://goo. gl/3f7ke9.
وبدأت الانعكاسات في جميع أنحاء العالم، بما في ذلك خزانات الولايات المتحدة، في الانهيار. هذا ليس جيدا & هيليب؛
#forex #snapchat #business #news #trading #luxury #gaming #gamer.
الفرق بين تاجر التجزئة & أمب؛ تاجر المؤسسات. رابط في الملف الشخصي.
#forex #lifestyle #trading #business #news #entrepreneur #boss #poker #vegas #snapchat #gaming #gamer.
المزيد من إثبات هذا السوق مبالغ فيها للغاية، من باب المجاملة مدير الصندوق جون حسين. بالمناسبة، هذا المستوى هو الأعلى في تاريخ السوق. إذا انخفضت التقييمات إلى 1.3، على مقربة من المعايير التاريخية السوق سوف ينخفض ​​بنسبة 50٪.
#forex #trading #business #news #entrepreneur #boss #luxury #vegas #poker.
إن سقف السوق إلى الناتج المحلي الإجمالي هو الآن في 126٪، مما يجعلها مبالغ فيها بشكل كبير وفقا لمؤشر وارن بافيتس المفضل. أنا & [رسقوو]؛ د تكون حذرا جدا.
#forex #trading #business #news #snapchat #gaming #poker #vegas فخمة.
كيف ننتشر المخاطر خلال يناير 2017.
#forex #trading #business #news #luxury #lifestyle #snapchat #gaming #poker #lasvegas.
كانت محفظة الارتباط لدينا شهر قوي، حيث تجاوزت مؤشر S & أمب؛ P 500 كما في 30 يناير مع أخذ مخاطر أقل بكثير من المؤشر.
#forex #trading #business #news #luxury #lifestyle #snapchat #gaming #poker #lasvegas.
هل أنت واحد من 65٪ -90٪ من تجار التجزئة فقدان المال؟ إذا كنت لا تتاجر بالمؤسسات التي ستحكم عليها.
رابط في الملف الشخصي.
#forex #trading #business #news #lifestyle #luxury #snapchat #gaming #poker #lasvegas.
لا تجارة مع حشد التجزئة بعد الآن.
رابط في الملف الشخصي.
#forex #lifestyle #luxury #trading #business #news #gaming #gamer #snapchat #poker #lasvegas.
نحن نشارك نصائح التداول، الأخبار الاقتصادية & أمب؛ الأحداث. اتبع اليوم.
#snapchat #forex #trading #business #news #luxury #lifestyle.
إذا كنت هتاف داو 20،000 أنا & [رسقوو]؛ د كن حذرا، انها أغلى و [رسقوو]؛ s في 16 عاما.
#forex #trading #business #news #snapchat #luxury #lifestyle.
كيف ننتشر مخاطرنا.
#forex #trading #news #business #luxury #lifestyle #snapchat.
مع بضعة أيام فقط في كانون الثاني / يناير ونحن نواجه شهر الصلبة.
#forex #trading #news #business #luxury #lifestyle #snapchat.
هل تعلم، في الولايات المتحدة اليوم، هناك نسبة أكبر من السكان على الطوابع الغذائية من أولئك الذين يتلقون مساعدات غذائية خلال الكساد الكبير.
فقط لأنك لا ترى خطوط الطعام لا يعني أن الاقتصاد يعمل بشكل جيد.
#forex #trading #business #news #snapchat #lifestyle #luxury #trump #obama #foxnews #cnn.
الوقت لتغيير التفكير و هيليب.
#forex #trading #business #news #luxury #lifestyle #snapchat.
#forex #trading #business #news #snapchat #gaming #lifestyle #luxury.

تداول الفوركس على الانترنت.
لقراءة المزيد عن أسواق العملات قم بزيارة هتبس: //us. etrade.
ومع ذلك، يتم تسويقها مباشرة خدمة الفوركس إشارة الناتجة عن الأتمتة أكثر بكثير من تلك التي تم إنشاؤها من قبل التجار حقيقية. هذا هو حقا أكثر مسألة الأفراد محاولة لتحقيق أقصى قدر من كسب المال من عمولات المبيعات من بالضبط ما هو في الواقع بشكل جيد جدا للتاجر. الإشارات الآلية لا يمكن أن تتفاعل مع التغيرات في السوق بسبب الأحداث الإخبارية وحتى إلى الانجراف الطبيعي الذي يحدث دائما. كما أنها تقتصر على واحدة من عدد قليل من تقنيات التداول. أنا لم أكن أعرف أي شخص الذي جعل حقا المال الجيد في الفوركس الاستفادة من الإشارات الآلية، على الرغم من أنه يمكن أنا و [رسقوو]؛ من المؤكد أن يتم القيام به.
يتم تقديم الصفقات وفقا لتوقيت جرينتش. يرجى تغيير تعديلات التوقيت الإقليمي. يتم احتساب الصفقة حتى تكون الإشارة حقيقية. وستكون الرسوم 300 دولار شهريا لكل تاجر.
يجب أن تكون إذا كنت خائفا قليلا. الاستثمار في الفوركس ليست شيئا يجب أن تأخذ على محمل الجد، بل هو شركة كبرى وانها سوف تأخذ التزاما جادا لتكون ناجحة في ذلك. هل تأخذ الوقت لتثقيف نفسك؟ هل تحاول تقنية الفوركس الجديدة الخاصة بك على حساب تجريبي التأكد من أنه يعمل قبل الغوص في النقدية حقيقية؟
لمعرفة المزيد عن سوق الصرف الأجنبي زيارة حول / المال /
كل ما عليك القيام به هو العثور على خدمة إشارات الفوركس عبر الإنترنت التي هي مناسبة لك والاستفادة منه. يمكنك أن تكون مربحة جيدة كما تاجر الخبراء يتوقع دون أي فهم! هناك الكثير من إشارات فوركس يمكن الاعتماد عليها عبر الإنترنت خدمات هناك لتختار من بينها. من الواضح أن لديك لرعاية عند اختيارهم، وهناك أيضا المحتالين توريد خدمات وهمية.
هناك احتمالات مختلفة لتلك الخدمات، ولكن الأكثر شيوعا هو خدمة البريد الإلكتروني الفوركس حيث يحصل المتداول إشارات تداول العملات الأجنبية عندما يوم واحد، أو كل ساعة. ولكن، ينبغي توخي الحذر عندما يتعلق بخدمات مجانية تماما إشارة الفوركس. لم نعثر على واحد مجانا خدمة إشارة الفوركس المجانية التي كانت ممتازة! القلق هو حقا، لماذا توفر إشارات التداول بعيدا مجانا؟ وعادة ما يكون لديهم بعض الوظائف السرية للقيام بذلك وهذا هو من بين أكبر القضايا مع تلك الخدمات. لا تستخدمها! يجب عليك أن تدفع ثمنها إذا كنت ترغب حقا في الاستفادة من خدمة تقدم لك مع إشارات تداول العملات الأجنبية. وتأكد من أن الإشارات كبيرة قبل الاستفادة منها.
إذا كان لديك خطة جيدة لعملك يمكن أن يكون من الصعب في هذا الاقتصاد. بناء الأعمال التجارية من الألف إلى الياء صعب بما فيه الكفاية. الإعلان الذي يأتي معها يجعل المهمة أكثر إحباطا! تداول العملات الأجنبية يمكن أن يكون وسيلة للتغلب على عملية بدء الأعمال التجارية. انظر أدناه للحصول على طرق يمكنك كسب المال من خلال سوق الصرف الأجنبي.
الدخل التكميلي هو وسيلة رائعة لكسب المزيد من المال لذلك كنت لا داعي للقلق حول تلبية نفقاتها. ويأمل كثير من الناس في إيجاد وسيلة للخروج من الاضطرابات المالية التي وجدوا أنفسهم فيها. الاستثمار في تداول العملات الأجنبية يمكن أن يكون وسيلة لتكميل الدخل الحالي الخاص بك، وهذه المادة تقدم المزيد من المعلومات حول النقد الأجنبي.
أسوأ جزء من تداول العملات الأجنبية هو احتمال أن كنت قد تواجه خسارة كبيرة. قراءة بقية هذه المقالة للعثور على بعض النصائح التي يمكن أن تساعدك على تداول الفوركس على حد سواء بأمان ومربح.
على الرغم من أنك أصبحت تتحقق تتحرك السوق يتحرك كنت & رسكو؛ لا تزال غير قادرة على تحويل هذا إلى نتائج تداول العملات الأجنبية. وذلك لأن من المؤكد تقريبا إلى كونك غير قادر على السيطرة على العواطف والشعور الخاص بك بينما كنت في التجارة. القضية الأكبر هي أنه في حين يمكنك أن تتعلم قراءة الرسوم البيانية فهم مختلف مجموعة التداول أوبس انها أكثر تحديا للتغلب على العواطف عند تداول العملات الأجنبية. الكثير من هذا هو لأنه من لحظة نحن & [رسقوو]؛ ولدت ولدنا & [رسقوو]؛ الثابت السلكية للتفكير والرد بطريقة معينة يتعارض مع الطريقة التي كنت قادرا على التجارة بشكل فعال الفوركس. هذا الفيديو والمادة النظر في هذه المشكلة وتقديم الحلول العملية لمساعدتك على البدء في قهر هذه القضايا العاطفية.
فإنه ليس من السهل للتجارة الفوركس دون مساعدة. فمن السهل أن شكك قدراتك الشخصية وكذلك الأفكار التجارية التي تحاول تنفيذها. هذا هو السبب في وجود القدرة على التجارة في مجموعة من التجار زميل مفيد جدا. 24hrforextraderoom يوفر منصة مثالية للتواصل مع التجار الآخرين كل يوم. فهي لا توفر مجرد منتدى للتفاعل مع زملائه التجار ولكن تعمل من قبل التجار المحترفين الذين معتدلين غرفة التجارة جعل المكالمات التجارية الحية التي تسمح لك أن تتعلم من التجار المؤيدين.
وكان شهر يناير الشهر الذي تسارعت فيه تقلب السوق بشكل كبير في الأسبوعين الأخيرين، ونشر اليوم البيانات النقدية لمراكز السوق المالية لشهر فبراير 2018 من قبل لجنة تداول العقود الآجلة للسلع الأمريكية (كفتك) يدل بوضوح على حدوث تحسن في أصول العملاء من في ديسمبر / كانون الأول أدنى مستوى له منذ عدة سنوات من 550.6 مليار دولار إلى 568 مليار دولار في يناير. وهذه الزيادة بنسبة 3.09٪ في أصول العملاء ومع ذلك تشير إلى أن الطريق إلى الانتعاش ربما يكون ثابتا وبطيئا واحد، وتحديدا في الأفكار التي انخفضت أصول العملاء النقد الأجنبي التجزئة الولايات المتحدة 13٪ في ديسمبر إلى 550.six مليون دولار من تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر 630.5 مليون دولار. وكان جزء من هذا الانخفاض هو إزالة كغ من القائمة، مع إعادة تعريف أصول زبائنها الآن باعتبارها مؤسساتية. على الرغم من ذلك شهد شهر ديسمبر انخفاضا ملحوظا في أسعار المواد العضوية في شركة فكسم إنك (المدرجة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز: نيس: فكسم)، والتي سجلت انخفاضا بنسبة 12٪ في أصول العملاء في الولايات المتحدة.
وقد يكون من الواضح أنه على الرغم من تحسن تقلب السوق بشكل كبير في 15 يناير بسبب اختيار البنك الوطني السويسري لإزالة ربط 1.20 على اليورو / فرنك سويسري، ظلت الولايات المتحدة متحفظة نوعا ما في أسلوبها.
بعد صدور تقرير ليبراتي فيما يتعلق بالتفاصيل الاقتصادية لشهر ديسمبر لشهر ديسمبر، انتقلت فكسم و أواندا و غين كابيتال هولدينغز إنك (نيس: غكاب) إلى أعلى مستوى له على الإطلاق وهو 80.1٪، بزيادة عن حوالي 75٪ أكثر من معظم من العام السابق، تدرك شركة فكسم انخفاضا في أصول العملاء إلى 178 مليون دولار في يناير، وهو ما يمثل انخفاضا تحت علامة 200 مليون دولار، وهو علامة بارزة أن الشركة ظلت أعلى من شهر ديسمبر بغض النظر عن جميع المستويات المنخفضة عبر القطاع.
خارج الولايات المتحدة في آسيا يستمر هوتفوريكس في إقناع مع العملات الأجنبية والخيارات وساطة الخدمات، الخروج من صدمة السوق 15 يناير باعتبارها واحدة من أفضل المدى وسماسرة جيدة السماسرة. بينما في أسواق الذهاب في المملكة المتحدة و الفضل استكمال اندماجهم تحت العلامة التجارية غو الأسواق.
لتوجيه واضح من المزالق النموذجية التي نوبيز تجعلك تحتاج إلى أن نصح بشكل صحيح. - الفوركس سلخ فروة الرأس يشير إلى أرباح سريعة. أنظمة الشراء والشراء في يوم العمل تستتبع استخدام المبادئ التوجيهية.
عندما يفكر معظم الناس في الاستثمار وكسب المال يفكرون في العقارات، وتداول الأسهم، وتداول السندات، وصناديق الاستثمار المشترك، و سدفس، وما إلى ذلك معظم لم يسمع من سوق الفوركس ومدى سهولة كسب المال مع النقد الاجنبى. حتى الآن، قد تكون لم تعرف أبدا كم هو سهل لكسب المال مع تداول العملات الأجنبية، لأنه لم يعط أحد من أي وقت مضى لك المعلومات الصحيحة، كما سأفعل في هذه المقالة.
ثالثا، إذا كنت تفعل غرف تجارة الفوركس مجانا ،، فمن المهم جدا أن لا خطر كبير جدا نسبة مئوية من إجمالي أموال التداول الخاصة بك. خطر لا يزيد عن 2-5٪ من مجموع الخاص بك سيكون من الحكمة. سوف تبقى على اللعبة لفترة أطول بلدي تقليل المخاطر الخاصة بك، وخاصة في بداية تجربة الفوركس الخاص بك.
حكم التاجر اليوم هو التأكد من إغلاق جميع الصفقات المفتوحة قبل إغلاق جلسة التداول في تلك السوق. يوم التاجر لا تبدو مع أي تكهنات على المدى الطويل. انه ببساطة الصفقات لهذا اليوم. بما أن تداول الفوركس يحدث عالميا، على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم، يمكن للمتداول الذي يريد أن يلعب في هذا السوق أن يجعل جدوله الزمني الخاص بالتداول.
في نهاية المطاف، سوف تتعلم أن تثق بنفسك. هذا يأتي من العمل الشاق للقيام التصحيحات على البيانات القديمة، أو غرفة تداول العملات الأجنبية مجانا في حساب تجريبي. أنت لا تحصل على تلك الثقة من التداول على الورق، وأنت لا تحصل على ذلك من القيام بذلك فقط في رأسك. الثقة في نفسك في هذه الأزياء سوف تسمح لك للعمل في صالحك. سوف تصبح الصفقات الخاصة بك على حد سواء أسرع وأكثر ربحية.
هل لديك نظام التداول اليوم - وبطبيعة الحال، سوف تحتاج إلى استراتيجية التداول الصلبة التي هي مناسبة للتداول اليوم. إذا لم تقم بذلك، فستفقد كبير.
وهذا يساعد على تجربة التعلم. شخصيا، أشعر أن تداول فروة الرأس هو على الأرجح الشكل الأكثر صعوبة من التجارة لإتقان، لذلك اتخاذ الاحتياطات الكافية قبل اتخاذ قفزة! يستخدم معظم الناس في الحصول على راتب، أو وجود جداول الإنتاج، أو توقعات الدخل على أساس النمو السكاني. عند بدء التداول، على الرغم من كل ما استخدمته كمعيار ذهب. سايونارا. في النهاية، كانت تلك مجرد تخمينات أيضا.
تحويل التركيز الخاص على التداول على المدى الطويل - والتجارة فقط أفضل الإشارات. من خلال القيام بذلك، سيتم تقليل عبء العمل الخاص بك - ومقدار الوقت الذي تحتاج إلى إنفاقه على تحليل الفوركس الخاص بك. للمساعدة في التغلب على هذا الوضع عندما إيميني يوم التداول من المهم أن يكون تداول الفوركس غرفة الحية. A تداول العملات الأجنبية غرفة التداول هو بيئة التداول الافتراضية التي التجار من جميع مستويات المهارة يمكن أن تتعاون ومناقشة والتعلم في وجود وتوجيه من الموجهين المهنية.
الخروج مع استراتيجية تساعد الناس المهتمين تكون مستعدة للسوق. ويجري جذب العديد من التجار الجدد إلى التداول من خلال القصف على الفوائد الكبيرة التي يوفرها النقد الأجنبي. نعم، كل الفوائد قد تكون صحيحة ولكن من المهم أيضا للتاجر للعمل على الجانب العملي من التداول. من المهم للتاجر أن يعرف متى لاتخاذ إجراء وعندما لا.
أيضا، تحتاج إلى حساب خطر كل التجارة قبل أن تذهب في لذلك. النظر في أسوأ السيناريو وتحديد الحد الأقصى للمبلغ من المال الذي يمكن أن تخسره في هذه العملية. فقط وفقط إذا كان لديك ما يكفي من الأمن المالي للتعامل مع الخسارة، يجب عليك أن تنظر في التجارة، وإلا، فإنه من الوقت للبحث عن فرص أخرى.
خطأ # 5 - الجشع جدا. وبمجرد الانتهاء من خطة التداول، التمسك بها ولا تعدلها بسبب طمعك. إذا كان لديك خطر على نسبة المكافأة لجني الأرباح، ثم يكون ذلك. لا تهدف إلى تحقيق أرباح أعلى عندما يخبرك حدسك بذلك. حتى التعادل يعتبر الفوز في تداول العملات. طالما أنك لا تفقد كبيرة والأرباح هي أكثر من الخسائر، كنت تعتبر ناجحة إذا كنت الحفاظ على هذا الاتساق.
الآن بعد أن عرفنا تداول الفوركس اليوم الحية ووضع الخلفية، والعودة إلى السؤال الأصلي: هل هو حقيقي؟ هو دائما. بعض التجار ناجحة جدا (ولكن نادرة) جعل دخل كبير جدا من التداول اليوم. مثل ما يقرب من أي استراتيجية تداول العملات الأجنبية، تداول الفوركس اليوم سوف تكون مربحة جدا لعدد قليل من المستثمرين. كما أنها تعمل للمستثمرين من المؤسسات مثل البنوك الاستثمارية أو صناديق التحوط، باستثناء أنها تستثمر مبالغ أكبر من المال ولها أنظمة تجارية أفضل. على الجانب الآخر، لديهم أيضا ولايات الاستثمار الصارمة التي تحتاج إلى متابعة التي تقيد قرارات التداول التي عموما التجزئة المستثمرين لا تملك.
إذا كنت قد تداولت في هذا السوق من قبل، كنت على بينة من المخاطر التي تنطوي عليها. فمن السهل أن تفقد الاستثمار الخاص بك في فترة قصيرة من الزمن. وهذا هو السبب في الحاجة إلى قدر كبير من التحليل. ومع ذلك، وتحليل هذه السوق يمكن أن تكون مهمة تستغرق وقتا طويلا. هناك الكثير من العوامل التي يجب مراعاتها. فمن السهل أن تضيع في جميع الترجمة التقنية.
إذا كنت ترغب في كسب المال تداول العملات الأجنبية، تحتاج إلى التجارة في الأطر الزمنية وهذا يعني أنك يمكن أن تحصل على خلاف على الجانب الخاص بك وهذا يعني التداول على المدى الطويل - ترك التداول اليوم للمستثمرين الذين هم ساذجة، كسول أو مجرد الحلمون. إذا كنت ترغب في الفوز - الحصول على الصعاب على الجانب الخاص بك والقيام بواجبك المنزلي وتجنب أساطير الفوركس مثل التداول اليوم.
بعض التجار فعالة للغاية (ولكن غير المألوف) جعل دخل كبير للغاية من يوم العمل شراء وبيع. وسوف تتطلب عادة للذهاب إلى & لدكو؛ المستشارين الخبراء & رديقو؛ مجلد. وكانت هذه الإعدادات الافتراضية إغراء لبعض الأفراد. هناك الكثير من البرامج التي يتم تقديمها في السوق. كنت في حاجة الى الشركة التي تتطابق مع مع كلية تعمل وهلم جرا. يستغرق بعض الوقت، على الأقل شهر للتداول على الورق.
ممرات النمر الوقت تسمح للفرد لإجراء تقييم إطار زمني متعدد على مصفوفة واحدة / تخطيط الشبكة. تتكون كل شبكة من أربع ممرات زمنية، مع كل حارة تتكون من نقطتين مهمتين للمساعدة أو نقطة مقاومة لهذا الإطار الزمني، يتم عرضها كأقراص، و 5 نقاط حاسمة أخرى يمكن أن يتغير فيها الإجراء السعري. تم وضع عناصر الدعم والمقاومة هذه، التي وضعت خوارزميات الملكية المعقدة، على رأس سلسلة من طبقات فيبوناتشي الديناميكية التصحيحية التي تظهر في ظلال أعمق تدريجيا من اللون. في عمق في تلوين أنها تتحول إلى، بسبب التحركات حركة السعر محددة، يدل على احتمال أكبر من مسار تغيير الأسعار.
الفائدة من كونها في وضع يمكنها من رؤية أربعة أطر زمنية مختلفة من عملة واحدة في شبكة واحدة المدمجة يعني أن تحليل العملة عبر يصبح من السهل بشكل لا يصدق. على سبيل المثال يمكنك في الواقع، يصطف الثلاثي من العملات أزواج مثل ور / أوسد، ور / جبي و أوسد / جبي على مجرد مساحة مدمجة من الشاشة. كما يعرف معظم المتداولين في تداول الفوركس ور / جبي على ور / أوسد و أوسد / جبي (مضاعفة ور / أوسد بواسطة أوسد / جبي وأيضا تقترب من ما يكفي من سعر ور / جبي). وبالتالي من أجل التجارة الفعالة مع زوج اليورو / الين يجب أن تعرف حيث أسعار كل من ور / أوسد و أوسد / جبي هي فيما يتعلق بدعمها ومقاومتها. مع برامج الفوركس العادية سيكون لديك أن يكون 12 الرسوم البيانية في الرأي ويجري النظر في نفس الوقت للقيام بالتحليل مماثلة بالضبط.
وهذا يجعل من الوقت النمر الممرات بويرفول وربما واحدة من البرامج الأكثر فعالية تاجر العملة يمكن أن يكون لمساعدة حركة السعر فوركاست.

تداول العملات الأجنبية تومبلر
تحتاج المال للعيش حياة مريحة. تحتاج إلى المال لتوفير التعليم لأطفالك. و، تحتاج المال لتناول الطعام. هذا هو السبب في عملك، وهذا هو السبب في طرح الناس الشركات، وهذا هو السبب في أن الناس يذهبون إلى أطوال كبيرة لكسب المال.
واحدة كبيرة من صنع المال الوظيفي الذي يجب أن تنظر هو التداول في أكبر سوق مالي في العالم. ليس فقط الفوركس أو النقد الأجنبي في العالم أكبر سوق مالي، بل هو أيضا السوق الأكثر سيولة في العالم التي تعمل 24 ساعة في اليوم.
مع التبادل التجاري الذي يولد ما يصل الى 2 تريليون دولار في اليوم، الذي لن تحصل على جذب إلى التجارة في هذا السوق السائل جدا؟ إذا كنت شخصا عاديا مع وظيفة عادية الذي يبحث عن وسيلة لكسب المزيد من المال، يمكنك النظر في دخول سوق الفوركس والتجارة.
ومع ذلك، فإن فوركس أيضا مخاطره والناس الذين تداولوا في الفوركس دون المعرفة والمهارة المناسبة فقدت مبالغ كبيرة من المال، وتعرض البعض لخسائر مالية شديدة. هذا هو السبب في أنه من الضروري بالنسبة لك أن يكون ما يكفي من المعرفة والمهارات عند التداول في سوق الفوركس.
اليوم، هناك برنامج متاح لك لاستخدام ذلك يمكن أن تجعل حقا من الأسهل بالنسبة لك للتداول في سوق الفوركس وكسب هذا المال الإضافي الذي تريده. وغالبا ما يسمى هذا البرنامج الروبوت تداول العملات الأجنبية.
عادة، يتم الوصول إلى الروبوتات تداول العملات الأجنبية في شبكة الإنترنت. انها تشبه الى حد كبير توظيف وسيط الفوركس ولكن بدلا من وسيط يجري الإنسان سيكون في شكل برنامج. منذ الروبوتات تداول العملات الأجنبية لا تنام، وهذا البرنامج يمكن تشغيل 24 ساعة في اليوم، وبالتالي، مما يتيح لك الاستفادة من عدم فقدان أي أموال مما يجعل الفرص عندما يتغير سوق الفوركس.
مجرد تخيل، فمن الممكن الآن بالنسبة لك للتداول في سوق الفوركس مثل المهنية. و، يمكنك التجارة 24 ساعة في اليوم. مع هذه الفائدة، لن تفوت يوما آخر يحتمل أن تكون مربحة في سوق الفوركس. كما يمكنك إجراء ذلك أثناء إعادة العمل.
كل هذه ممكنة من خلال استخدام الروبوت تداول العملات الأجنبية. ومع ذلك، قبل الاشتراك في الروبوت التداول الفوركس، عليك أن تحدد أولا ما إذا كان البرنامج يمكن أن تعمل حقا لصالحك. عليك أن تحدد ما إذا كان الروبوت تداول الفوركس يمكن حقا التجارة بفعالية وكفاءة.
يجب عليك أيضا البحث عن ميزات التداول المتقدمة التي يمكن للروبوت تداول العملات الأجنبية نقدم لكم.
إليك بعض الميزات التي يجب أن تبحث عنها في روبوت تداول الفوركس:
والثور؛ 24 ساعة في اليوم عملية & نداش؛ تريد هذه الميزة في الروبوت تداول العملات الأجنبية حتى أنك لن تفوت فرصة صنع المال.
والثور؛ الحد الأدنى لمتطلبات الاستثمار & نداش؛ يجب أن تكون الاستثمارات في الروبوت تداول العملات الأجنبية الحد الأدنى من أجل أن تحمل.
والثور؛ تكنولوجيا التداول الآلي & نداش؛ نظرا لأن أموالك معرضة للخطر، يجب عليك اختيار الروبوت تداول الفوركس مع أحدث التقنيات التجارية الموجودة في السوق اليوم.
هذه هي بعض الأشياء التي يجب أن تبحث عنها في روبوت تداول الفوركس. مع هذه الميزات، يمكنك أن تكون متأكدا من أنك يمكن أن تكسب حقا المال.
الروبوتات تداول العملات الأجنبية هي مثالية للأشخاص الذين يرغبون في الانخراط في سوق الفوركس ولكن لا تملك المعرفة والمهارات المناسبة لتداول العملات.
كما أنها كبيرة بالنسبة للأشخاص الذين يخشون استثمار أموالهم في الفوركس. يمكنك أيضا الاستفادة من الروبوت تداول الفوركس إذا كنت ترغب في التركيز على عملك اليوم، ولا يزال كسب النقدية في سوق الفوركس.
الاستثمار في سوق الفوركس هو واحد من أفضل الطرق لكسب تلك النقدية الإضافية التي تحتاج إليها. ومع ذلك، يجب أن نتذكر دائما أنه في الفوركس، تحتاج إلى استثمار المال لكسب المال. أيضا، يجب عليك أيضا أن تكون قادرة على تحمل فقدان المال الذي تستثمره في الفوركس.
تذكر دائما أن الفوركس، على الرغم من أن صانع المال كبيرة لكثير من الناس، لديه أيضا مخاطر متساوية التي قد تسبب لك لانقاص المال. مع الروبوت الفوركس، سوف تكون قادرة على تقليل مخاطر فقدان المال وزيادة فرصك في كسب المحتملة 24 ساعة في اليوم. مع الروبوت التداول الفوركس، وأنك لن تفوت يوم تداول آخر في سوق الفوركس والاستفادة من اتجاهات السوق العظيمة.
منصات تداول الفوركس: تداول الفوركس الحق في وسائل الراحة الخاصة بك الرئيسية.
التداول في المؤسسات المالية هو واحد من أفضل الطرق لكسب المال. بل هو أيضا واحدة من الخيارات الوظيفية الواعدة التي تجعل الناس اليوم. مع فرصة لكسب الكثير من المال، المزيد والمزيد من الناس الذين يرغبون في التداول في المؤسسة المالية تركوا وظائفهم للحصول على قطعة من العمل في السوق المالية.
اليوم، سوق الفوركس هو الخيار الأفضل للأشخاص الذين يفكرون في جعل مهنة من التداول في السوق المالية. الى جانب ذلك، الذين لا يرغبون في التجارة في أكبر وأكثر الأسواق سيولة في هذا الكوكب الذي ينطوي على جميع البلدان في العالم؟
سوق الفوركس يعمل 24 ساعة في اليوم مع تبادل العملات التي يمكن أن تصل إلى 2 تريليون دولار كل يوم تداول. أيضا، هو السوق الأكثر سيولة في العالم وهو ما يعني أيضا أن التجار يمكن أن تدخل السوق في أي وقت يريدون والحصول على أرباحهم بسهولة.
في الماضي، كان الفوركس يقتصر على المؤسسات المالية الكبيرة والشركات متعددة الجنسيات. ولم يسمح سوى للمصارف والبنوك المركزية والشركات الكبيرة بالمشاركة في سوق الفوركس. ومع ذلك، وبفضل تكنولوجيا الاتصالات الحديثة والإنترنت عالية السرعة وانخفاض العقوبات في سوق الفوركس، يمكن للناس العاديين الآن التجارة والمشاركة في أكبر سوق مالي في العالم.
ولأن سوق الفوركس مفتوح للجميع الآن، ولأنه قطاع مربح جدا، بدأت شركات وساطة الفوركس عبر الإنترنت في تحسين خدماتها وإمكانية الوصول إليها. كما أنها صممت الآن منصات تداول مختلفة مناسبة لمختلف تجار الفوركس. ليس فقط على الانترنت جعلت شركات الوساطة فوركس منصات التداول الخاصة بهم الوصول إليها، كما أنها بدأت ولا تزال مستمرة في تحسين برامجها.
كما أنها تسمح للناس بالتسجيل مع حساب ميني فوركس التي يمكن أن تسمح لهم التجارة بحد أدنى من الهامش من 100 دولار فقط أو حتى أقل.
إذا كنت ترغب في الانضمام إلى سوق الفوركس، لديك فقط أن يكون لديك عدد قليل من الأشياء للحصول على انك بدأته.
أولا، تحتاج إلى جهاز كمبيوتر مع اتصال إنترنت عالي السرعة. اتصال إنترنت عالي السرعة مهم جدا لتجارة فعالة للعمل. وسوف يقلل أيضا من خطر الانزلاق التي يمكن أن تسبب لك لانقاص المال. لذا، إذا لم يكن لديك أي اتصال إنترنت عالي السرعة متاح، يجب أن ننسى التداول في سوق الفوركس على الانترنت. وهذا سوف تجعلك تفقد الكثير من المال فقط.
ثانيا، تحتاج إلى اختيار أي شركة الوساطة فوركس يجب عليك استئجار. هذه الشركات سوف توفر لك منصة تداول العملات الأجنبية التي يمكنك تحميلها بسهولة وتثبيتها في جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك. منصة تداول الفوركس هي ببساطة برنامج حاسوبي ضروري لمتداول الفوركس عبر الإنترنت.
من المهم بالنسبة لك أن تختار منصة التداول التي كنت مريحة باستخدام. يجب عليك أيضا التأكد من أن منصة التداول التي تختارها توفر معلومات دقيقة وحديثة في الوقت الحقيقي، والأمن، والاستقرار.
ويوصى أيضا أن منصة التداول التي تختارها يجب أن توفر معلومات عن ما لا يقل عن 16 أزواج العملات، وتنفيذ أوامر بنقرة واحدة فقط من الماوس، لديها أدوات الرسم البياني لإجراء التحليل الفني، وينبغي أن يكون أيضا ميزة تسجيل من شأنها أن تخزين التداول الخاص بك التاريخ.
مع كل هذه الميزات، يمكنك حقا تحسين الطريقة التي تتداول في سوق الفوركس وتقليل أيضا من خطر فقدان المال.
ابحث عن منصة تداول الفوركس التي هي سهلة الاستخدام وسهلة الفهم. إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن منصة تداول العملات الأجنبية التي تقدمها شركة وساطة تداول العملات الأجنبية، يمكنك التفكير في فتح وهمية أو حساب الممارسة. من خلال القيام بذلك، وأنك لن تخاطر المال الحقيقي على الصفقات في حين تعلم الحبال.
سوف تحصل أيضا على الخبرة على منصة تداول العملات الأجنبية وتحديد حقا إذا كان النظام الأساسي هو لك أم لا.
إدارة المخاطر هي أيضا ميزة مهمة جدا يجب أن تبحث عنها. إذا استغرق الأمر وقتا طويلا لتحديد أمر إدارة المخاطر، فيجب عليك أن تبحث عن منصة تداول فوركس أخرى.
هذه هي بعض الأشياء التي يجب أن تبحث عنها في منصة تداول الفوركس. مع القليل من الممارسة في حساب وهمية، يمكنك أن تكون متأكدا من أنه يمكنك الحصول على تعليق من ذلك في أي وقت من الأوقات على الإطلاق والبدء في صنع المال من خلال تداول الفوركس عبر الإنترنت مع منصة تداول الفوركس موثوق بها.
تجارة الفوركس: التداول في العالم أكبر سوق على الانترنت.
الإنترنت هي واحدة من الأدوات الأكثر فائدة التي يمكنك الاستفادة من اليوم. مع تقدم تكنولوجيا الاتصالات، يمكنك إرسال واستقبال البيانات من وإلى الإنترنت مجانا أو بسعر رخيص جدا.
منذ تطوير الإنترنت ومقدمة للجمهور، والناس تم استخدامه للتواصل مع العائلة والأصدقاء. مع الإنترنت، يمكنك الدردشة مجانا على الرغم من أن الشخص الذي تتحدث إليه هو في منتصف الطريق في جميع أنحاء العالم.
اليوم، بسبب تقدم الإنترنت، وتوافر اتصال إنترنت عريض النطاق رخيصة، فمن الممكن الآن للناس لبدء الأعمال التجارية عبر الإنترنت، والعمل على الانترنت، وحتى التجارة في السوق المالية.
التداول في السوق المالية على الانترنت لديها الكثير من المزايا. لم تعد تحتاج إلى أن تكون داخل أرضية السوق للتجارة. كل ما تحتاجه هو جهاز كمبيوتر مع اتصال إنترنت عالي السرعة، وبرامج التداول وأنت جاهز. إذا كنت تفكر في التداول في السوق المالية، قد ترغب في النظر في التداول في الفوركس.
في الماضي، لأن الإنترنت لا تزال في مهدها وسوق الفوركس لديها عقوبات صارمة والسياسات، والناس العاديين، مثل نفسك لم يسمح للتجارة في سوق الفوركس. ولم يسمح إلا للشركات المتعددة الجنسيات والمؤسسات المالية، كما تطلبت مبالغ هائلة من رأس المال الاستثماري لبدء التداول في هذه السوق المالية.
سوق الفوركس هو أكبر وأكثر الأسواق المالية سيولة في العالم. وتعمل الشركة على مدار 24 ساعة يوميا وتولد عمليات تبادل العملات التي تصل إلى 2 تريليون دولار كل يوم. مع هذا النوع من الميزة، والناس يريدون حقا للتجارة في سوق الفوركس.
مع التقدم في تكنولوجيا الإنترنت، فمن الممكن الآن للناس للتداول في سوق الفوركس. كما فتح سوق الفوركس أبوابه أمام التجار والوسطاء الأفراد.
ويعتبر تداول العملات الأجنبية أن يكون المال كبيرة مما يجعل الأداة التي يمكنك الاستفادة من. مع المهارات والمعارف المناسبة، يمكنك أن تكون ناجحة حقا في سوق الفوركس وكسب هذا المال كنت أريد دائما.
بل هو أيضا حقيقة أن العديد من الناس الذين تداولوا في سوق الفوركس قد كسبت الكثير جدا من الأرباح. بل إن البعض اعتبرها مهنة بدوام كامل، وقررت ترك وظائفها العادية للتجارة بدوام كامل في سوق الفوركس.
ومع ذلك، فإن سوق الفوركس يحمل أيضا مخاطر متساوية على التجار. هناك أيضا فرصة لتخسر المال عند التداول في الفوركس. بل هو أيضا حقيقة أن الفوركس أخذ الناس على حافة الانهيار المالي. ومع ذلك، مع المهارات المناسبة والمعرفة والاستراتيجية، يمكنك تقليل المخاطر وتعظيم إمكانات كسب الخاص بك عند التجارة في هذا السوق السائل جدا.
إذا كنت تبحث عن مهنة بدوام كامل التي يمكنك القيام به في منزلك، يمكنك النظر في سوق الفوركس باعتبارها واحدة من أفضل الخيارات الوظيفية.
أول شيء تحتاج إلى أن يكون من أجل بدء التداول في سوق الفوركس على الانترنت هو وجود جهاز كمبيوتر سريع مع اتصال إنترنت سريع. اتصال إنترنت سريع ضروري جدا من أجل السماح لديك الوصول إلى المعلومات في الوقت الحقيقي على ما يحدث في السوق. وهذا أيضا منع الانزلاق.
والشيء التالي الذي عليك القيام به هو استئجار شركة متوفرة على الإنترنت وتتخصص في تداول العملات الأجنبية. سوف تقوم شركة تداول الفوركس عبر الإنترنت بإعطائك إمكانية الدخول على استخدام برامجهم الإلكترونية اللازمة لبدء التداول. بالنسبة لمتداولي الفوركس الذين لا يتمتعون بالخبرة، فمن المستحسن أن تقوم بتعيين شركة من أجل الحصول على معرفة مباشرة حول كيفية تداول العملات، وأيضا المساعدة في إرشادك في الصفقات الخاصة بك.
إذا كنت لا ترغب في استئجار شركة، فهناك الكثير من البرامج في السوق التي يمكنك استخدامها لبدء التداول في سوق الفوركس. أهم شيء عليك أن تفكر في برنامج التداول هو أنه ينبغي أن يسمح لك للوصول إلى سوق الفوركس على الفور. كما يجب أن تعطيك الأدوات التي تحتاج إليها، مثل الرسوم البيانية والمؤشرات الأخرى التي تكون ضرورية بالنسبة لك للتداول بفعالية.
ويوصى ببرامج البرمجيات للتجار ذوي الخبرة الذين لا يريدون إنفاق المال على شركات تداول العملات الأجنبية.
هذه بعض الأشياء التي يجب أخذها في الاعتبار عند التداول في أكبر سوق مالي في العالم. تذكر دائما أنه لا توجد ضمانات في الفوركس. يجب أن تكون على استعداد لانقاص المال خلال الأشهر القليلة الأولى من التداول. بمجرد أن تفهم تماما كيف يعمل الفوركس، يمكنك أن تكون متأكدا من أنه يمكنك كسب الكثير من المال في أي وقت من الأوقات على الإطلاق.
تداول الفوركس: التعلم عن السوق.
لا يمكنك أبدا إخفاء حقيقة أن الناس بحاجة إلى المال. المال يشتري كل ما تحتاجه للعيش حياة مريحة. يمكنك استخدامه لشراء طعامك اليومي، والملابس للحفاظ على الدفء، والوقود لسيارتك، ويمكنك استخدامه لدفع الفواتير.
المال هو ضروري من أجل توفير حياة مريحة لعائلتك. هذا هو السبب في العمل، وهذا هو السبب في الناس طرح الشركات. صحيح أن كسب المال يمكن أن يكون صعبا بالنسبة للشخص العادي. ومع ذلك، فهي طريقة أفضل من الاعتماد على الحكومة لتزويدك بالطعام.
الناس لديهم طموحات تتطلب العمل الشاق. اعتمادا على الرفاه وحده لا يمكن أبدا جعل أحلامك تتحقق.
إذا كنت شخصا عاديا، الذي يحصل على راتب لائق ولكن لا يزال يريد كسب المزيد من النقود لكي تتمكن من تحمل تلك الحلم عطلة رأيت في إعلان تلفزيوني أو ربما شراء هذا التلفزيون ضخمة كنت أريد دائما، يجب أن تنظر في الاستثمار الخاص بك مدخرات.
إن استثمار مدخراتك لا يعني سوى أمرين. إما يمكنك جعلها تنمو، أو تفقد كل شيء. قد يكون لديك بعض المخاطر ولكن إذا كنت تفعل ذلك الحق، يمكنك حقا جعل الكثير من المال، وتحمل تلك الأشياء التي لم يفكر لديك يمكن أن يكون من أي وقت مضى.
طريقة رائعة لاستثمار أموالك هي استثمارها في أكبر وأسوأ سوق مالي في العالم. هذا النوع من السوق يسمى سوق الفوركس. في هذا السوق، لديك ببساطة لشراء وبيع العملات في العالم مع آمال تحقيق الربح. النقطة من كل هذا هو أن لديك لشراء منخفضة وبيع عالية من أجل تحقيق الربح من الاستثمار الخاص. وفي ما يلي شرح أوضح حول ما يفعله المتداولون في سوق الفوركس. على سبيل المثال، عندما يقوم تاجر بشراء عملة معينة بسعر رخيص، فإن المتداول يتوقع أن ترتفع القيمة. وبمجرد أن ترتفع قيمة العملة الخاصة التي يبيعها كما هو متوقع، يمكنك بيعها بسعر أعلى بكثير، وبالتالي، الحصول على الاستثمار الخاص جنبا إلى جنب مع الربح.
التداول في الفوركس سوف يتطلب منك التداول في أزواج. لأنك تشتري عملة، تبيع عملة أخرى في نفس الوقت. هناك الكثير من أزواج العملات في سوق الفوركس. ومع ذلك، فإن أزواج العملات الأكثر تداولا في سوق الفوركس هي: أوسد / غبب، أوسد / جبي، أوسد / تشف، و غبب / أوسد. هذه الأربعة هي أزواج العملات الأكثر شعبية المتداولة في سوق الفوركس وحيث الناس أكثر عرضة للحصول على الدخل.
على الرغم من أن التداول في سوق الفوركس يمكن أن تعطيك حقا فرصة لكسب الكثير من المال، بل هو أيضا حقيقة أنه يمكنك أيضا فقدان الكثير من المال. وذلك لأن الفوركس يتم تداوله على الهامش. على سبيل المثال، مع هامش 1٪، 1000 دولار الخاص بك يمكن أن تعطيك النفوذ من 1000 دولار. وهذا يعني أن معدل العائد الخاص بك سيكون 100 في المئة من كل نسبة التغيير صعودا. ومع ذلك، فإن فقدان الخاص بك أيضا أن تكون كبيرة بنفس القدر إذا كانت ظروف السوق ضدك.
هذا هو السبب في أن لديك المهارات المناسبة والمعرفة حول سوق الفوركس قبل أن تبدأ في التجارة. أيضا، تحتاج إلى فهم أنه عند الاستثمار في هذا السوق، تأكد من أنك يمكن أن تحمل ما تخسره. هذا ليس بالضرورة جذابة ولكن إذا كنت ترغب في كسب المال، عليك أيضا أن تكون على استعداد لانقاص المال.
إذا كنت تاجر الفوركس عديمي الخبرة، يجب أن تنظر في توظيف وسيط الفوركس والمحللين لإرشادك في مشروعك صنع المال. يمكنك أيضا التفكير في فتح حساب وهمية أو أخذ دورة تداول الفوركس في كلية إدارة الأعمال المحلية أو في المدارس على الانترنت.
معرفة الأساسيات في تداول العملات الأجنبية يمكن أن تكون مفيدة جدا. لذلك، حاول وابحث عن بعض الوقت حيث يمكنك ممارسة مهارات التداول الخاصة بك والاستراتيجيات في حسابات وهمية أو حضور دورات تداول العملات الأجنبية.
هذه هي الأشياء التي يجب أن تعرف عن تداول العملات الأجنبية وسوق الفوركس. إذا كنت تريد أن تذهب وكسب هذا المال تحتاج لأي أسباب، حاول الاستثمار في سوق الفوركس. إذا كنت تفعل ذلك الحق، يمكنك أن تكون متأكدا من أنه يمكنك كسب الكثير من المال من خلال تداول العملات الأجنبية.
تذكر دائما أنه على أي شيء كنت تستثمر في، سواء كان ذلك سيكون العمل أو في العالم أكبر سوق مالية، يجب أن تنظر دائما أنه سيكون هناك دائما المخاطر المعنية.
تجارة الفوركس: المعلومات التي يجب عليك دائما احترس ل.
الحصول على المعلومات اللازمة والحق هو واحد من أهم الأشياء من أجل أن تكون ناجحة.
في شركة، في الجيش، في الحكومة، وتقريبا في أي نوع من التنظيم، والحصول على المعلومات الصحيحة أمر ضروري لاتخاذ القرار الصحيح. هذا هو المكان الذي تستند إليه جميع القرارات. تلعب المعلومات دورا حيويا في المجتمع.
على سبيل المثال، في الجيش، واتخاذ القرارات الصحيحة خلال الحرب أو حتى خلال زمن السلم هو ضروري لإنقاذ وحماية الأرواح. في عالم الأعمال، فمن الضروري أيضا للحصول على المعلومات الصحيحة لاتخاذ القرار الصحيح من أجل الشركة في النمو والربح.
وعادة ما تتخذ معظم القرارات الخاطئة بسبب نقص المعلومات أو بسبب الحصول على معلومات خاطئة.
وهنا مثال آخر على ما يحدث عندما يحصل صانعو القرار على معلومات خاطئة. وقد أطيح بعدد لا يحصى من قادة البلدان بسبب خلل بسيط في المعلومات التي أعطاهم مستشارون لهم.
It cannot be stressed enough that it is necessary for everyone to get the right information. After getting the information, you should study it, and formulate a decision that you think is right for the current situation.
This is also true in the financial market, such as the Forex market .
The Forex market is the largest and the most liquid market in the world which operates 24 hours a day and generates currency exchanges up to two trillion dollars each day. This market has no centralized location as trades are open 24 hours a day in different parts of the world.
It is a fact that the Forex market made lots of people rich and also taken a lot of people in the brink of financial collapse. The Forex market can really be a difficult market for you, as an investor. It can only mean two things, either you make it big by getting lots of money or you can really lose big time.
With the constant oscillation of currency value in this market, it is necessary for you, as an investor to obtain the right information to base your decisions from. The right and wrong information or late information can mean the difference of you hitting the jackpot by earning lots of money or you losing a lot of money.
Having the necessary skills and knowledge about the Forex market is simply not enough for an investor to be successful. It is a known fact that there are lots of seasoned Forex investors or traders who have lost a lot of money in this financial market. Some even got into debt or bankruptcy.
This is why you should first consider your options whether you should join the Forex market or not. However, the fact that you can make lots of money in this market can really attract you. Besides, the Forex market can offer you a chance to make the big bucks.
So, if you want to join the Forex market or if you already have an active, funded account, you should make sure that you have access to the right kind of information.
It is recommended that you should hire technical and/or fundamental analysts or brokers if you don’t know a thing about Forex charts and graphs. The news also plays an important role in the Forex market.
These people can help you make the right kind of decision by informing you with all the necessary information on what currency you should buy and sell.
Although they will charge you a fee for their services, you can be sure that you will be getting the right information on time that will help you in your decision-making. So, to make it short, you should hire these people’s services.
Even if you know how to read the charts, there are simply too many things that you have to consider; there are just simply so many indicators about the different aspects in the Forex market that you should keep an eye on. Simply reading one kind of chart can be very difficult. Try combining it with another chart, and not to mention that you still have to make decisions.
Always remember, if you want to be successful in the world’s largest financial market in the world, you should get informed with the right information on time. You should always keep in mind that the information that analysts and brokers provide you is the key to success.
Forex Trading: The Best Hours to Trade.
If you want to earn extra cash aside from the cash you earn from your regular job or your business, maybe it’s time to you to enter the financial market. One kind of financial market that made a lot of people earn a lot of money is the Forex market.
Aside from the fact that the Forex market can give you an opportunity to earn a lot of money, you should also know that Forex is the largest and the most liquid financial market in the world with trade exchanges that amounts up to trillions of dollars each day.
Forex also operates 24 hours a day and therefore making it the most liquid market in the world.
However, Forex is also a very risky market. Besides that fact that it generated a lot of people to become rich, it also made a lot of people lose large amounts of money. Therefore, you should consider that you should think twice before entering this financial market. You should have enough knowledge and skills before you enter this market. Part of the knowledge that you should know the best time you should enter this very liquid and very large market.
متأكد من أنك تعرف كيفية التجارة، وانت تعرف ما أزواج العملات للتجارة، وحتى تعرف كيفية قراءة الرسوم البيانية. ربما، أنت تعرف أيضا استراتيجية واحدة أو اثنتين عند التداول في سوق الفوركس. ومع ذلك، يجب عليك أيضا أن تنظر في حقيقة أن سوق الفوركس يعمل 24 ساعة في اليوم، تحتاج إلى معرفة متى يجب أن التجارة.
Every minute in the Forex market counts. One minute you notice a currency is increasing in value, the next you notice that the same kind of currency you noticed a minute ago is decreasing in value. This is why you should consider the fact that Forex market is a very dynamic market with lots of price oscillations.
Minute by minute events are very important in order for you to be successful. Because of this feature that is found in the Forex market, you, as a Forex trader, can enter the market a number of times a day. This will allow you to earn some profits after every number of trades you do and perhaps maybe even lose one if you made the wrong trading decision.
Firstly, you have to remember that the Forex market beings at Sunday at 5PM EST to Friday at 4PM EST then it beings again at 5PM EST. يبدأ التداول في الفوركس في نيوزيلندا المقبل في أستراليا تليها آسيا، في الشرق الأوسط، أوروبا وينتهي في أمريكا. الأسواق الرئيسية في الفوركس هي لندن وطوكيو ونيويورك مع الأنشطة التجارية أثقل عندما تتداخل الأسواق الرئيسية.
مستندة إلى العصر، سترى أنه سيكون هناك دائما شخص في أي مكان في العالم الذي هو شراء وبيع العملات. سترى أنه عندما يغلق سوق واحد، يفتح سوق آخر. التداول في سوق الفوركس هو 24 ساعة في اليوم.
حجم الصفقة سوق الفوركس هو دائما عالية خلال اليوم كله. ومع ذلك، فإنه يرتفع أعلى عند فتح السوق الآسيوية، والسوق الأوروبية وسوق الولايات المتحدة في نفس الوقت.
These are the trading hours in the Forex market you have to trade in, in order to get the highest possible trades. This are the hours that are also the most profitable.
Here are the open market times that you can use as reference:
والثور؛ نيويورك & نداش؛ 8am to 4pm EST.
والثور؛ لندن & نداش؛ 2am to 12nn EST.
والثور؛ Great Britain – 3am to 11am EST.
والثور؛ طوكيو & نداش؛ 8pm to 4am EST.
والثور؛ Australia – 7pm to 3am EST.
If you look at the schedule and study it, you will see that there are two instances where two of the major markets overlap on trading hours. These are between 2am and 4am EST with Asian and European markets and 8am to 12pm EST with European and North American.
These are the things you should remember when trading in the Forex market. It is not only important that you know how to trade and know some strategies on Forex trading, But, you should also know when is the best time to trade in this very large and very liquid market.
If you follow all these, you can be sure that you can earn a potentially higher profit than on other trading times.
The Importance of Forex Trading Education.
If you want to succeed in any endeavor, you need to have persistence and dedication. Even your daily life requires it because if you’re the type of person who is quite lazy and wants to goof around, you’ll attain nothing of importance in your life.
Ever since you were a little kid, you were already taught with the value of good education. From your nursery days, until you finally graduate in college, you have dedicated many years to get a good education. But it doesn’t end there.
Each time you encounter a new endeavor, activity, or thing, the first to come into your mind is to learn about that particular thing or activity. So you see, no matter what we do, education continues. And this is especially true with forex trading.
Statistics have shown that over 94% professional traders lose a lot of money every day in forex trading alone. But don’t be discouraged; in fact why not use that piece of information to strive hard to get a forex trading education.
The financial market changes by the minute, or even by the second. Who knows which currencies are a good buy and which aren’t. Most traders, specially the starters, believe that they can predict what is about to happen in forex trading. But you see there is more to predicting the market; you need to educate yourself still.
First things first, you must have a forex trading system which contains the key elements, namely: money management, risk, and execution. If you have a well developed system, which gives a lot of weight to money and risk management, over time you can actually carry on draw downs while expecting consistent returns.
Forex trading is not just about buying low currencies and then selling them when the price is high. Profitable traders can teach you more than just discipline, because you also need to learn about detachment. Ask a professional trader to show and guide you how it is done.
You must have the proper mindset in order to be a successful forex trader. To achieve this, your capital should have a positive return. It is not all about profits especially when you’re just a beginner. You should first determine if you have a reasonable return of your capital.
Most successful forex traders have undergone some sort of education. Since forex trading is a high risk endeavor, it is not wise to instantly jump into the trade.
If you purely rely on experience and instinct, you may not likely succeed in forex trading. But if you have undergone a forex trading education, you are more capable to handle demands and the stress that comes along with the trade.
Through forex education, you can learn all about the market mechanics, reading the forex chart, how software works, how it is closed, the right time to bid, and many more. It is the best possible route to take before plunging into forex trading.
The FX market is volatile, and you can understand the situation better if you know how to read charts. It will be easier for you to understand the different reasons behind these shifts, and can greatly help in minimizing the risks that you are going to undertake.
The very first things that you’ll learn in forex trading education are the basics. It includes margin concepts, order types, rollovers, bids, and leveraging. Aside from that, you can also learn about fundamental and technical analysis. And lastly, you should learn about trading psychology which can teach you about patience, discipline, and commitment.
It is also good if you can learn about the financial market’s history. And knowing the past mistakes made by other traders will teach us how to avoid such circumstances. You can get a forex education online or in a traditional class.
Having a forex education is an added advantage compared to those who haven’t had any. This is especially helpful for starters, and even for those who have been in trading for some time.
Most professional traders highly recommend some form of forex education. With a little background and knowledge about the trade, it is a sure fire way to succeed in this line of trade. Instead of making wild guesses, why not take a forex education class, and make educated decisions when doing the actual trade.
Forex Trading Course: A Must for Forex Beginners.
In the world’s largest financial market where exchanges reach up to trillions of dollars each day, many people would really want to participate in this market. Aside from being the largest financial market in the world, Forex is also the most liquid market in the world where trades are done 24 hours a day.
A lot of traders have become very rich trading in the Forex market. And, many people who trade in the Forex market everyday have found a great way to replace their day jobs. Some even became millionaires almost overnight by just trading in this financial market.
Trading in the Forex market can be very attractive. However, you should also know that there have been people who suffered extreme financial losses in the Forex market. It is true that the Forex market offers a very good money-making opportunity to a lot of people, but it also has its risks.
It is a fact that people who didn’t have the right knowledge and skills trading in the Forex market suffered huge financial losses and some even went into debt. So, before you enter the Forex market, it is essential that you should have the necessary knowledge and skills as a Forex trader in order to minimize the risk of losing money and maximize the potential of making money.
Many people who were successful in the Forex market have went through a Forex trading course to get the knowledge and skills needed to successfully trade in this very liquid and very large financial market.
In a Forex trading course , you will learn about when it is the right time to buy or sell, chart the movements, spot market trends and also know how to use the different trading platforms available in the Forex market.
You will also be familiarized with the terminologies used in the Forex market. Even the basic knowledge about trading in the Forex market can be a great help with your money-making venture in the world’s largest market.
There are different Forex trading courses available, all you need to do is choose one that suits your needs as a trader. There are crash courses where all the basic things about Forex will be taught to you in a short period of time, full time online courses, where you will learn all about Forex through the internet and there are also full time real life classroom courses where you can learn the ropes about Forex in a real classroom with a live professor.
You can also become an apprentice. However, in order to learn a lot about Forex as an apprentice, you need to make sure that you have a seasoned Forex trader who can share a lot of things to you about the Forex market.
Here are some of the basic things you should look for in a Forex trading course in order for you to get the sufficient knowledge about Forex trading:
والثور؛ أنواع الطلبات.
A good Forex trading course will also explain a lot about the fundamental and technical analysis of charts. As a trader, knowing how to analyze a chart is an essential skill that you should have. So, when you are looking for a Forex trading course, you should look for a course that offers fundamental and technical analysis instruction.
Stress plays a vital part in Forex traders. Knowing how to deal with stress is also a skill that you should develop. A good Forex trading course should teach you how to deal with stress and trade effectively and efficiently.
As much as possible, you should look for a Forex trading course that offer actual trading systems where students can trade real money on the Forex market or at least trade on dummy accounts in a simulated Forex market. This hands-on experience will greatly benefit you. Besides, the best way to learn about anything is by actually experiencing it. Live trading and simulations should be offered in a Forex trading course.
So, if you plan on getting involved in the Forex market, consider finding all these things in a Forex trading course. Developing the right knowledge and skills in trading in the world’s largest and most liquid market in the world will definitely help you make it to the top and achieve your dreams as a Forex trader.
Forex Brokers: Assisting You with Your Trading Needs.
If you traded in the Forex market before or if you’re still trading now, you may have heard the term Forex broker a lot of times. However, as an individual trader, you may want to know what is a Forex broker and what they do.
Forex brokers are individuals or companies that assist individual traders and companies when they are trading in the Forex market. These individuals can really give you that extra edge you need in order to be successful in the Forex market. Although they will be trading your funded account, all the decisions are still yours to make if you want to.
Forex brokers are there to assist you with your trading needs in exchange for a small commission from what you earn. Here are some of the services that a Forex broker can give you:
A Forex broker can give you advice regarding on real time quotes. A Forex broker can also give you advice on what to buy or sell by basing it on news feeds. A Forex broker can trade your funded account basing solely on his or her decision if you want them to. A Forex broker can also provide you with software data to help you with your trading decisions.
Searching for a good Forex broker can prove to be a very tedious task. Since there are a lot of advertising in the internet about Forex brokers, Forex traders get confused on which Forex broker they should hire. مع جميع وسطاء الفوركس هناك التي تقدم كبيرة تداول العملات الأجنبية والاقتباسات، وسوف تجد من الصعب اختيار وسيط الفوركس جيدة وسمعة طيبة.
With a little research, you can find the right Forex broker who can be trusted. If you lack referrals for Forex brokers, you can try and do a little research of your own. The first thing you need to find out about a particular Forex broker with the amount of clients they serve. The more clients they serve the more chances that these brokers are trusted. You should also know the amount of trades these brokers are conducting.
Knowing the broker’s experience in the Forex market is also a great way to determine if he or she is the right broker to hire. Experienced Forex brokers will increase your chances of earning money from the Forex market.
If you have questions or complaints, you should call or email the company and ask questions regarding their trading system. You should never be uncomfortable doing this. Besides, they will be the one who will manage your money. And, it is your right to know about what they are doing with your money.
When choosing a Forex broker, you should also consider their trading options. You should also know that Forex brokers are different from what they can offer you. They differ in platforms, spreads, or leverage. You have to know which of the trading options is very important to you in order to be comfortable when you trade in the Forex market.
Most online Forex brokers offer potential clients with a demo account. This will allow you to try out their trading platform without actually risking money. You should look for a demo platform that works just like the real thing and you should also determine if you are comfortable with the trading platform.
Look for the features you want in a trading platform in order for you to know what to expect if you trade with them. If you are comfortable with a trading platform, you should consider trading with them, and if you are not, scratch them off your list. This is a great way to test their trading platform and not risk your money.
If a Forex broker is not willing to share financial information about their company, you shouldn’t trade with them because they are reluctant to share company information. They should answer your questions regarding on how they manage their client’s money and how they trade that money.
Always remember that if you see an offer that’s too good to be true by Forex traders, it probably is too good to be true. The Forex market is a very risky place to trade and Forex brokers must tell you that there are certain risks involved when trading in the Forex market. Avoid hiring a Forex broker who says that trading in Forex is easy and a very good money making market with very low risks.
These are the things you should consider when you look for a Forex broker. If you find that right broker, you can be sure that you can really earn money.
Effective Advices for Forex Trading Beginners.
Not all people are familiar with forex trading. في الواقع، فإن معظم الناس يعتقدون أنه عندما تتحدث عن تداول العملات الأجنبية، لديها ما تفعله مع الأسهم أو السندات. ولكن تداول العملات الأجنبية يختلف عن الأسهم أو السندات. It involves the trading of currency pairs.
Currencies are traded in pairs, and you can’t find a particular currency without a pair. The major currencies being traded are chosen above the rest because they are stable and have a greater value than other foreign currencies.
Every time a new comer arrives in the market, the very first ones to take notice of them are what you call frauds. That is why, if you’re new in forex trading, you need to take some advice. It doesn’t hurt to ask for advice from the ones who are already engaged in forex trading. In fact, you can make use of their advice for your own good, and even to your advantage.
Since forex trading is globally available, it is not surprising if there are frauds that are able to infiltrate the financial market. To safeguard people from these frauds, they must be made aware of these growing fact, so that they will be able to protect their trading career.
The opportunities that forex trading provides for different individuals, firms, and organizations is growing rapidly every year. And accompanying this growth is the widespread growth of different scams related with forex trading. But you should not worry because there are a lot of legitimate companies or firms that can help you in forex trading.
The best thing to do is to find these legitimate companies to stay away from fraudulent ones. However, most new traders fall prey to these scammers because of their savory offers.
A piece of advice: stay away from companies or firms which advertise high profits for minimal risks. In today’s financial market, if you want to earn high profits, then you are likely subjected to high risks as well. These things always go together.
Always stay on the safe side. If you’re looking for a forex trading broker, and of course, each broker is part of a certain company, make sure that you select a government registered company. In signing any contract with them, double check if they are registered or certified brokers. This is a good step to undertake in order to prevent any misfortune that you might encounter in the future.
The job of reducing the risk is entirely yours, not that of the broker; so if the company offers or promises little risks, guaranteed profits, and the like, that is a sure sign that they are there to make a fool out of you.
Professional trader or not, a little use of the common sense can go a long way.
Before doing any forex trade, do your homework. Research all the necessary details about trading. Ever heard of inter-bank market? Stay away from companies which lure you into trading in the inter-bank market because the currency transactions are negotiated in a wobbly network of large companies and financial institutions.
If a certain company does not disclose any information about their background, that should serve as a red flag. It means that you should continue doing transactions with them. Nor is it advisable to transfer/send cash through the mail or the internet. Practice caution in everything you do, and you’ll be more than sure that you are always safe.
Fraudelent companies often solicit services and advertise soaring pressure tactics to attract you in participating or joining their services. Offshore companies which guarantees no risk and return of profit is a big no. Always be skeptical and don’t jump in to any instant offer that comes your way.
You can decide for yourself. After all these pieces of advice, it will still depend entirely on you whether you will apply it or not. You are the one who will be subject to fraudulent individuals or companies. If you want to protect your forex trading career, carefully consider these things.
Learn Forex Trading system with us And maximize you potential.

نظام تداول العملات الأجنبية.
Long Term Trading Strategy for Forex is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
إستراتيجية التداول طويلة الأمد لفوركس.
إستراتيجية التداول طويلة الأمد لفوركس.
There are a lot of reasons why I believe that a long term trading Strategy sets you up for success more so than using smaller time frames to trade, and I will get into several of those reasons within this article.
I also lay out a few of those reasons in a more light-hearted tone in my Scalp vs Swing Article which has gotten a lot of attention.
The first thing I want to do is clarify that when I say “Long Term” I am meaning at least looking on the daily charts. I believe that one of the big issues with Forex traders today is that they are so caught up in short-term trading and scalping (which again, I really do have a hard time believing traders can be profitable with), that they don’t even recognize what long term trading is.
I have had many traders say something like this to me: “I want to begin looking at best long term forex trading strategy because scalping has not worked for me. I am now using a long term strategy, trading the hourly charts.”
See, I think the above statement is one of the issues with Forex Traders today and why so many have a lot of trouble being profitable. Learning this type of trading is one way you can learn how to become a successful forex trader.
For some reason, the majority of traders—especially beginners—are so bent on scalping that they don’t even have a realistic idea of what long term trading really is (I know my friend, Zaheer , will agree with me on this one).
So again, when I am talking about “Long Term Trading,” I am talking about using the Weekly charts (and even the Monthly) as your guide for set-up potential and targets, and then, perhaps, using a lower time frame to actually execute the trade for more precision.
Before I get into the actual strategy I want to share with you, I want dig a little more into why the right perspective is so important when it comes to trading long term strategies—I know that many of you only care about the actual strategy guidelines, but I believe that the following information about perspective and a holistic approach is actually more important than the strategy guidelines (comment below if you agree/disagree with me on that).
As an example of how this “Short Term Mindset” can get you into trouble, let’s take a look at the EUR/USD.
Someone looking at the EUR/USD on a 4HR chart would see something like this:
In the above chart, you see that there is a lot of bullish momentum moving toward higher highs. From this perspective, it looks as though all bullish continuation set-ups will be great entries; however, a longer term view of the EUR/USD at the same exact time tells a different story:
You can see by looking at the Weekly chart, that the EUR/USD is in a long term forex trading strategy down trend, and that the bullish rally on the 4HR chart is just a pull-back rather than a raging trend as it appeared before.
Not only is it only a pullback, but it is a pullback heading into unsuspected resistance (unsuspected if you only look at the 4HR and don’t realize what is going on long term).
If we move a little bit ahead in time, you can see a bearish bounce off the resistance level. To the trader viewing only the 4HR chart, this may look like a great time to buy again in anticipation of Bullish trend continuation…
buy set up on eur usd.
What the 4HR trader may not realize is that this is not a pullback of the 4HR trend, but rather a continuation of the Weekly trend. So, where the long term trader sees obvious Bearish continuation potential, the short term trader thinks this is “just a pullback.”
So to the 4HR trader, this looks like an unexpected major reversal in the market, but to a long term trader, it is an obvious and expected continuation of market flow, looking like this on the Weekly view:
This is why it is so important to have a long term view of the market ESPECIALLY if you are going to call yourself a long term trader. Again, so many people looking at 4HR charts think they are long term traders, but they are ignoring the real long term time frames—and that can get you into big trouble just like in this real life example… Those two bearish weekly bars you see would crush someone trying to take long positions on the 4 Hour chart, yet they are just part of the flow on the Weekly view.
Now, I am not saying that you cannot trade profitably on the 4HR charts; I am saying that it is very difficult to make consistently profitable trades when you do not have a good perspective of the markets longer term movement—especially when trying to trade an intermediate time frame like the 1 or 4 hour time frames.
With that said, let’s talk about my long term strategy for traders who want to be profitable and consistent! 🙂
One major note about this strategy is that you must be disciplined if you want to succeed. Yes, you need to be disciplined with all strategies to expect success, but in particular, if you want to trade a long term strategy effectively, you must control your emotions and desire to “get into the market.”
One of the biggest mistakes that unprofitable traders make is over-trading and over-managing their trades. As human beings, we have the desire for action and involvement which tends to cause us to always want to have a trade open or always want to manipulate the trades we do have open, and I can promise you that this will only lead to less and less profitability.
If you want to be successful using the long term strategy that I am presenting to you, you must accept that there will not be a ton of entries (which is a good thing, in my opinion) and that there will not be a need to “jump in” to the open trade and manage it.
Here is how the strategy works:
1 T ake a look at the Monthly and Weekly charts.
Looks for trends on these longer term charts that have good momentum in the respected direction. شيء من هذا القبيل:
Identify the direction of the trend (bear or bull) and make a note to only look for entries in the direction of that trend (for instance, if it is a bullish trend, look for buys).
2 Zoom into the Daily Chart and draw a Fibonacci Retracement from the current high to current low (or the other way around).
Here is how to draw a Fib Level for those that don’t know:
3 Look for pullbacks on the Daily time frame that are approaching the 38.2, 50.0, or 61.8 Fib Levels.
usd cad daily forex chart.
If price is getting close to one of those 3 key fib levels, be prepared to make an entry.
4 Look for Candlestick Entry after Fib Level is Tested (touched by Price)
As soon as price touches a weekly Fib level, you are now in the “waiting for signal” الوضع. In other words, the criteria has lined up for you to make a trade, now all you need is the signal to confirm your forecast.
For this strategy, the signal is a momentum daily bar in the direction of our long term trend. An ideal daily signal candle will have a tail that has tested (pierced through) the Fib level, but then reversed back into the direction of the trend:
test of fib level.
5 Take the Entry. Place your stop and target.
Just like I showed you in the video above; some trades win and some lose.
Don’t try to manage the trade or get fancy, just trust the strategy and let the trade be a winner or a loser. Trading is all about Math—a good strategy has winners and losers, but at the end of the year, the winners out-weigh the loser. They will in the strategy if you follow it with discipline!
Hope you guys enjoyed learning one of my favorite long term strategies. Please leave a comment with any feedback.
Comment if you plan on trying the strategy or comment if you hate the strategy!
Either way, I’d love to get your feedback!
Winners Edge Trading is offering a special discounted offer to our long term trading strategy.
Strategy: Trading the Break of the Day is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
Strategy: Trading the Break of the Day.
Last month we discussed a price action strategy (I’m partial to price action strategies using near-“naked” charts) using Pin Bars. While I like that strategy and will continue to use it, it requires the trader to be attentive to every chart, every hour. That doesn’t work well for me, as I like to be “done” by 11 AM NY Time and many of the good trades come after that.
The Daybreak Strategy.
The Daybreak Strategy allows you to look at the charts once a day, set up the trades, and walk away if you want. I actually watch them a little better than that, only because I don’t want to be in the money and then stop out with a loss.
Find a pair for which there is no red-tagged news anticipated for the remainder of the day. Look at a 15 minute chart of your chosen pair around 9 AM Eastern US Time (GMT – 5). Be sure the “period separators” are enabled to make it easy to find the beginning of the day (Charts/Properties/Common/Show period separators.) The first step with our strategy is to determine if the pair is trending or ranging. If the pair is trending, pass on it for the purposes of the Daybreak Strategy. We’ll discuss a strategy for the trending pairs later.
AUD/USD Trending (20 Sep 17)
EUR/USD Ranging (20 Sep 17)
Setting The Daybreak Strategy Orders.
Determine your risk and calculate your trade size based upon a 10 pip stop using a position size calculator. (e. g. myfxbook/forex-calculators/position-size ) and place a sell stop order one (1) pip below the LOD and a buy stop order one (1) pip plus the spread above the HOD. If you do not include the spread on the buy stop order, the order will trigger before the chart price pushes above the HOD (assuming an MT4 bid-type chart.)
I set the expiry for the orders at 5 PM NY Time. Use a 10 pip stop loss and a 30 pip take profit for the trade. At this point you can just walk away from the trade and let it run.
Taking Profit.
If I’m around, as with most of my strategies, I lock in the trade at +10 pips (take a portion off to cover trading expenses and set the stop loss on the rest to break even.) As always, if the price action nears the take profit level, I will usually close it early.
I use this strategy on all the major US pairs and some of the major crosses. I try to keep the pair count smallish and will only allow a couple of trades to trigger each day. If I risk ½% on each trade, then I can expect 1% to 1.5% profit per trade. That way I can easily hit my goal of 1% gain/day with one winner and come close to my goal with one winner and one loser. If I get 3 losers in a day, I shut the rest of the orders down and don’t trade any more that day.
Standard Trading Advice.
As with any trading strategy, remember, never bet the farm. No single trade should be big enough to make or break you as a trader. Protecting your trading account is your first job as a trader. Without it you’re done. The only way you can be a full-time professional trader is to manage your risk like a professional.
Always have a plan. A plan to get in; a plan to get out. A plan for a win; a plan for a loss. Follow your rules. Discipline, discipline, discipline.
I know you regular peeps are probably tired of hearing this. But do it anyway.
اقتراحات للقراءة.
These books are not about trading strategies, they are about trading psychology – which I believe is MUCH more important.
Trading in the Zone – مارك دوغلاس.
The Disciplined Trader – مارك دوغلاس.
متوفر في الأمازون.
Automated Forex Trading Testing … Testing 1, 2, 3 is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
Automated Forex Trading Testing … Testing 1, 2, 3.
An important step in the development of an automated forex trading strategy ( trading robot or EA) is the testing phase. Testing should involve back-testing as well as forward-testing and be performed as accurately and extensively as possible. No amount of testing can absolutely assure future results, so the idea is to be as sure as possible!
The answer seems obvious … so that you can be reasonably sure of what you’ll get from your automated trading strategy in future. Testing means you can see how your strategy has reacted in the past to different market conditions. You can gauge whether the strategy has worked against different currency pairs or different time frames. You can test variations of the strategy to see what works best overall, and what should be avoided. Testing a strategy can give you the confidence to keep using the strategy in future if the past results have been profitable and consistent.
How do you test?
To back-test a trading strategy , you first need to obtain some historical data. The historical data contains information about price levels in the past, such as open, high, low and close information. You can get historical data for daily intervals (this is the easiest to get), where each record contains open, high, low, and close prices for each trading day. More detailed data can also be obtained for shorter intervals such as hourly, 5 minute or even 1-minute intervals. Generally, the shorter the time frame, the more accurate you can make your back-testing.
The first place to look for historical data is your broker. Many brokers offer free data downloads if you have a live account open with them, and the data is usually of quite good quality. Your broker’s historical data will also most likely be the same data that is used to draw the charts that you trade off, so it’s easy to look back through your charts and visually check how your strategy plays out.
There are other sources of data too, some are free, some involve a cost. It’s a good idea to obtain good quality data from a number of different sources for your back-testing. Data can vary, so it’s good to be able to test your strategy on the different data sources to see if it holds up. Dukascopy (dukascopy) is a good source of data, and you might also try Gain Capital (ratedata. gaincapital/)
To actually perform the back-testing, you’ll need a software program which processes the historical data and executes your trading strategy using that data. Trades aren’t actually executed, of course, the execution is just emulated within the software. Based on your strategy, the program can keep track of when the trades would have been taken, how profitable they were, how many winners compared to losers you had, and many other statistics related to the performance of your strategy.
The most accessible automated trading forex software program to do this is Metatrader 4 (MT4). It has a built-in strategy tester and you don’t even need to download any historical data first – it will do it for you automatically. The downside to MT4 is that you first need to write an EA which implements your trading strategy. Writing an EA involves writing a computer program in the MQL4 language – the scripting language that MT4 understands. So, you’ll need to be able to program in MQL4 or get a programmer to do it for you if you want to go down this route.
If you like to get your hands dirty in computer code, you can also just write a program to back-test the strategy using the historical data. There is usually a library available for your favorite language which contains the indicators and other statistics you may need to test the strategy, such as EMAs, SMAs, MACDs, RSIs and so on. For instance, there is a freely available library called “profitpy” for the Python programming language which allows you to build a strategy tester.
For non-programmers, check out thinkingstuff. Their system allows you to develop and back-test strategies using point-and-click technology. What this means is that you don’t have to write any programming code, you just use your mouse to select options and the Thinking Stuff software builds the back-testing code for you.
Other related sites for strategy testing include: forextester/ and forexsb/
Testing Pitfalls.
Back-testing and getting good results doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a good automated trading strategy. There could be flaws in your back-testing procedure or data which is affecting your results. Some common back-testing problems include:
Optimizing (or curve-fitting) the strategy too much. If you tweak and re-tweak your trading strategy to give the best results possible using the data that you have available, then you run the risk of tailoring it too close to that data. If there are too many parameters or filters involved to make the strategy work, then you may have problems in getting that strategy to give satisfactory results in the future. Sometimes you’re better off NOT optimizing so much – give the strategy a little room to breathe, make it a little simpler or more flexible. A lightly curve-fitted strategy is likely to give better results in the future. The data isn’t detailed enough. If you have 15-minute historical data and you’re testing a strategy that works on the 15-minute chart, then the accuracy of back-testing is going to be quite limited. For instance, if in one 15 minute period (one 15 minute bar) price shoots up and reaches a point that would have hit your target and it also reaches down to a place where it would have taken out your stop loss, how do you determine whether your target was hit first or your stop was hit first? The answer is, you can’t. Without going down to a lower time frame or even tick data, there is no way from your historical data that you can tell whether price went up first or down first. You only have open, high, low and close information. So, if your data is limited in detail, your back-testing program should take the worst case scenario in this example and assume that the stop was hit first. Data is bad quality. Some free data sources are terrible quality. There are gaps in the pricing (from the close of one bar to the opening of the next bar), there are incorrect prices, and sometimes there is just no data where there should be some! Try to obtain decent quality data and when in doubt, try to obtain data from a number of sources and get the best results possible from all sources.
All of the above has dealt with back-testing, but forward-testing is also important. Forward-testing an automated trading strategy involves running the robot trading software in a live (or demo) trading account and monitoring the results over a period of time. You may be surprised that something that works really well when back-tested, does not perform very well when running on live data. This can be because of the curve-fitting problem mentioned above, or because you’re striking market conditions that haven’t been tested in the past. Forward-testing can also uncover other problems in your back-testing that you weren’t aware of, so it’s essential to forward test, preferably on a demo account before moving to a live account.
Once you’ve back-tested your strategy on a good sample of historical data and you’ve forward-tested it too, you can be confident that your future (or at least, near future) results will be fairly similar to the results you’ve had to date. Never just let a trading robot loose though – always monitor what it’s doing because markets can be unpredictable you want to be ready to pull the plug should something go wrong.
Japanese Candles: An introduction and how to use them is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
Japanese Candles: An introduction and how to use them.
الشمعدانات اليابانية.
Introduction to Candles.
Japanese Candlesticks have been around for centuries they were originally developed by the Japanese and are used to today on trading charts. In this article, you will find the forex trading candlestick patterns.
The colors represent if the price went up or down during that candle. The candle represents a period of time. It depends on what kind of chart you have open. If it is a five-minute chart than the each candle represents the total movement of the price during that candle. I always enter trades after a candle closes because sometimes you can get a price spike during a candle that will not last and if you enter then you can get caught with a losing trade.
The Candle Below is called a Doji that means the price did not change during the candle. It went up and down while the candle was open but at the time the candle closed the price was the same or very little change.
Sometimes a doji candle can signal a reverse in price if there has been a strong run one way or the other.
Candle Formations.
Sometimes a doji candle can signal a reverse in price if there has been a strong run one way or the other.
The hammer is when the price has had strong movement down then it suddenly stops and reverses as shown by the wick. A strategy you can implement is to enter a trade on the next candle after a hammer if the new candle is heading the opposite direction.
Below is a pattern called the shooting star.
Shooting star is the same as a hammer only to the upside and can be used the same way. Enter a short trade at the opening of the next candle. This pattern can also be called a morning star.
The next pattern is called engulfing candle.
This pattern shows a reversal because the small candle is getting engulfed by the larger one but the key is that the engulfing candle must be going the opposite way.
Using Candles in Forex.
Try to identify some of these Japanese candlestick patterns and formations on your charts and with your demo account make some trades by using them. Then later on in our lesson, we will learn to incorporate these patterns into your trading strategy using support and resistance levels and indicators.
We use Japanese Candlesticks to find our buy and sell setups. Watch the video below to find out how to find precise entry and exit points.
Different Trading Platforms is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
Different Trading Platforms.
Choosing the right Forex trading platform is essential if you’re going to be trading on every single day. You need a flexible trading platform that fits all your personal trading needs. Trading the market is a very difficult process so you want to make sure you make your life as easy as possible so you can focus on the market action.
Going forward, you’re going to learn what are the most important features that you need to seek when choosing a Forex trading platform. First, you need an easily operated and accessible Forex trading platform that offers you all the tools needed for your technical and fundamental analysis.
You need a reliable and stable trading platform that doesn’t go offline the moment you open a trade. Furthermore, it’s crucial to have a secure trading platform that can offer you a transparent trading environment. Ultimately, as a trader, you want to research what are the best options available to you in terms of Forex trading platforms before you trade with your hard earned money.
We live in a fast moving world where new technological innovations have enabled an explosion of ultra-competitive Forex trading platforms that are available to you. We have written a practical guide that covers the most popular and trusted Forex trading platforms and the most competitive platforms.
MetaTrader 4 – Fx Trading Platform.
The MetaTrader 4 trading platform is without a doubt the most popular Forex trading platform. Millions of traders with different level of experience and different trading needs have chosen MetaTrader 4 as their main trading platform. The MT 4 platform was first released in 2005 and it was developed by MetaQuotes Software. Since it’s widely accepted and used by many traders the MetaTrader 4 platform is provided by the majority of the Forex retail brokers.
The MetaTrader 4 is not just a charting platform, it’s also a platform that you can sync with your broker, you can connect it with multiple accounts and unlike with the regular charts, the MetaTrader 4 provides you with full functionality where you can set automated trades also called Expert Advisors or EAs.
The MT 4 platform is rich in technical indicators as it comes with more than +50 free indicators that you can customize and you can modify. For a novice trader, the MetaTrader 4 is the best technical analysis solution and charting software as it’s very intuitive to use.
With the MT4 platform, you can also have the One-click trading option which is the fastest way to trade through a chart.
TradingView – Fx Trading Platform.
TradingView is a web-based Forex trading platform. Actually, it’s also a multi-assets online trading platform because it offers charting solution for stocks, commodities, indexes and many more instruments. You can access the TradingView platform through any internet browser.
What really separates this software apart from most other ones is the social aspect of trading. TradingView is more than just a simple trading platform is a social network platform that allows traders to interact with each other and share trading ideas. TradingView was really designed from the ground up to allow traders not just to do your technical analysis, but then also to be able to publish and share ideas and receive feedback.
TradingView offers a broad range of charting tools that can help you improve your Forex analysis. You can also subscribe for a monthly fee to their Pro account where you can have access to even more features.
cTader – منصة تداول الفوركس.
cTrader is a cutting-edge Forex trading platform catered for institutional traders. Even though you can easily customize the default interface of the cTrader platform has a professional design that can cover almost all your trading needs.
Unlike other trading platforms, cTrader is a very stable platform that rarely freezes which is something that all trading platforms should strive for. The cTrader is a standalone trading platform, but at the same time, you can access the platform through any internet browser which means you won’t need to go through an installation process.
The main feature and characteristic of cTrader is the DOM (Depth of Market) ladder which means that you’ll be able to see the liquidity available on both sides (buy and sell side) of the market. This means that you’re connected directly to the liquidity providers instead of trading against your broker.
TradeStation – منصة تداول الفوركس.
TradeStation is a platform with great tools, it has a great data feed and it’s a broker so you have everything you need to start trading all in one place. TradeStation like many other trading platforms can be accessed through desktop, web browser and last but not least through mobile apps.
Just about everyone who invests or trades can have a great experience with TradeStation. In terms of usability, TradeStation is a little bit more complex trading platform because it’s a multi asset platform not just for Forex trading.
When it comes to trading speed is very important and you should always be concerned how fast you can execute your trades. How many milliseconds does it take to execute a trade? Trading is about speed and velocity of movement and in this case TradeStation is very fast.
The main downside with TradeStation is the fact that you’ll need to pay a small monthly fee in order to be able to trade through this platform. If you’re thinking seriously about trading, TradeStation is one trading platform that you can consider using.
One of the reasons why so many traders choose TradeStation is because it has Easylanguage which is a proprietary programming language used to create automated trading strategies and build indicators. Best of all, you can backtest and optimize your strategy.
Choosing the right trading platform can be detrimental to your future success, especially if you’re just starting in this business. There is no perfect product that can satisfy all the users. In this regard, you should choose the Forex trading platform that can meet all your trading needs and above all, it needs to make your life as a trader much easier.
There are many options you can choose from so you’ll have to factor in the most important feature that your trading is dependent on. Once you figure out what your trading needs are, you can move from there and narrow down your available choices. Last but not least, no matter what your preferred trading platform is, make sure you first have a profitable trading strategy.
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Everything you Need to Know About Brokers is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
Everything you Need to Know About Brokers.
Every time that you buy a stock the price of that stock would be the same no matter which broker you bought it from. This happens because the stock market field is strongly regulated and the prices are obtained from one central exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange. In the Forex market, it works a little bit different because the prices are not obtained from one central exchange instead they are derived from the Interbank market.
The Interbank market is a conglomerate of various banks and financial institutions that provide prices for currencies to various different Brokers around the world. The prices provided by these Brokers will vary depending on the relationship between themselves and the Brokers, so obviously the better the relationship, the better or the cheap the prices are.
ما هو وسيط الفوركس؟
To kick things off, let’s first talk about what is a Forex broker? A Forex broker is simply a vehicle that gives individuals like us access to the markets. It’s an intermediary or a middleman between you the trader and the foreign exchange market that facilitates your trades, both the buys and the sells orders. Usually, they are licensed and regulated by national regulatory bodies.
A Forex broker will charge their clients a commission or fees or a spread – fixed and variable spreads. Depending on the type of your broker they can charge you a combination of commission and spread. This should be considered to be just the cost of doing business in facilitating your traders. It’s important to note that different brokers have different levels of engagement with their customers.
أنواع مختلفة من وسطاء الفوركس.
In the Forex industry, there are two different types of Forex brokers:
The ECN and STP broker is transacting your trades directly into the market or with their liquidity providers. On the other hand, some brokers are going to make their money by taking the opposite side of your trades – dealing desk brokers. These types of brokers are trading against their clients. So, when that happens basically there’s a conflict of interest because when you win they lose and when you lose they win.
Guess who is going to lose more often? The house always wins.
A dealing desk broker will be holding your trades on something called the B book. This means that they sort of manage their trades internally usually through a dealing desk. Generally, when a broker is using a B booking approach then they’ll do all sorts of internal controls to manage their risk, to hedge positions and to make sure their volumes are balanced and things like that. They do this also to reduce the risk of them to lose money.
When a trader starts becoming consistently profitable or starts trading really large volume this presents a bit of a problem for a dealing desk broker. And in this situation, they run a different book called the A book where they place the profitable traders so they can either hedge the whole A book or simply sends the order coming from the A book directly to the Interbank market.
In a DMA environment, multiple banks will feed quoted prices to the DMA broker. The DMA broker will aggregate these quotes and select the best available bid and ask price, which means you’ll have the best available spread. In other words, the client will be sending his orders directly to the Interbank market and you’ll be having complete transparency on who is on the other side of your trade.
كيفية اختيار وسيط الفوركس.
There are so many Forex brokers out there that it has become a difficult task to know how to choose the “right” وسيط. The most important point you need to look out for is regulation. If you want protection and assurance then you need to check first of all that your broker is regulated.
Your broker can be regulated by a shady jurisdiction, which we recommend to avoid, or they can be regulated by big financial institutions which have bigger resources and strict financial requirements like the UK FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) or the USA NFA (National Futures Association) and CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission). These regulatory bodies are more trustworthy and their umbrella of regulation has also more integrity.
Understanding the business model of your Forex broker is the next thing you should look for when choosing a Forex broker. This is really important, especially if you’re going to be trading large amounts of money. In general, you want to choose brokers that are not going to trade against your position. In other words, you must avoid dealing desk brokers and chose a non-dealing desk broker.
A non-dealing desk broker has a vested interest in you doing well because the more you’re trading the more money they’re making from commissions. So, they are on your side in this situation.
Another criteria for a good Forex broker is the one broker regulated by a jurisdiction that offers some kind of deposit insurance. So, in the case your Forex broker goes out of business you at least can get your money back.
Last but not least, you should look for a reliable speed execution. Trading in fast-moving markets such as the Forex market means that you want to be able to enter and exit the market quickly. Any delays can either cause you to miss a good trading opportunity or even worse, it can make your losing position even bigger if you can’t exit your trades instantly.
With so many options available to choose from we hope that this Forex broker guide can help you better examine your broker. Ultimately, besides the security of your funds and the integrity of the Forex broker – regulation – you want to choose a broker that covers all your personal needs as a Forex trader.
The bottom line is that if you trust your broker, you’ll be in a position to focus your time on the things that matter most which are developing your trading edge and your Forex strategy. But before sending your money to any Forex broker, doing some research will help you gaining access to a fairly trading environment that can ultimately increase your odds of success.
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How do you Trade and Make Money? is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
How do you Trade and Make Money?
The way one makes money in the Forex market or any other type of market for that matter is simply through buying and selling securities. Obviously, in order to make money on the Forex market, you have to buy low and sell high. Obviously, the main purpose of trading is to make money and in the Forex market, you make money by exchanging one currency for another currency, assuming that the currency exchange rate will change and go in the direction you forecasted.
If for whatever reasons, either technical or fundamental reason, you believe the EUR/USD exchange rate will rise, you simply want to buy and go long. In the financial world, when a security or an instrument is rising in value in a persistent way, we call that a bullish trend.
Conversely, if for whatever reasons, either technical or fundamental reason, you believe the EUR/USD exchange rate will decrease, you simply want to sell and go short. In the financial world, when a security or an instrument is decreasing in value in a persistent way, we call that a bearish trend.
Where does Trading Take Place?
Depending on what security you’re trying to buy or sell there are two places where trading takes place:
Trading on Exchanges: An exchange is an organized marketplace where you can buy and sell a variety of instruments like shares (E. g. New York Stock Exchange), futures and options (E. g. Chicago Mercantile Exchange). As technology has evolved so has the stock market, as the majority of transaction happens electronically and orders are matched more efficiently. Trading Over-the-Counter (OTC): In an OTC environment trades are made directly between two parties. All the trading activity happens through decentralized dealer networks. The world’s biggest and most liquid market is the Forex market, which is actually traded over-the-counter. This means that there is no physical exchange where Forex trading happen, which is done electronically within a network of bank dealers and brokerages that deal directly with each other.
كيفية التداول؟
Before opening a trade you have first to decide what instrument to trade. Secondly, you’ll have to decide if the trend is either bearish or bullish, which ultimately will help you determine whether you should buy or sell.
Normally, when we’re moving in a bullish trend you want to buy and conversely when we’re moving in a bearish trend you want to sell. Last but not least, when opening a trade, you also have to decide on your trading size, where to take profits and where to hide your stop loss.
How does Trading Work?
For every BUY order executed there must be an equivalent opposite BUY order in order for a transaction in the market to happen. Conversely, for every SELL order executed there must be an equivalent opposite BUY order in order for a transaction in the market to happen. These two opposite orders are equal; all you need to do is to agree on the price.
Then how do stocks move up and down?
If there is a buy order for every sell order how the stocks move up or down? And who decides this? These are all very legitimate questions that deserve an answer. The truth is that there are several key factors that cause stocks to move up and down and at the most very basic level the supply – demand imbalances drive stock prices.
The supply side is represented by the total shares that people want to sell, and the demand side is represented by the total shares that people want to buy. When the supply side equals the demand side we have what is called the equilibrium price.
EUR/USD Trade Example – A case Study.
Now, let’s have a look at a real example. Throughout this example, we’ll answer a very important question: How much money can you theoretically make by trading currencies? For this purpose, we’re going to look through a hypothetical trade example, which will shed some lights on how money is made by trading Forex currency pairs.
Let’s assume that you have $1,000 on your Forex trading account. The current exchange rate of the EUR/USD is 1.25. In other words, for 1 euro you get 1.25 US dollars. You forecast and anticipate that during the current day euro will rise against the US dollar. Based on your analysis you buy 800 euros for your $1000, your initial deposit.
Your forecast is correct!
The EUR/USD exchange rate rises from 1.2500 to 1.2600 which is a 100 pips movement. Being in profit you decide to close the trade and exchange 800 euros back to $1,008. In effect, your profit on this trade is $8.
Not that much, right?
What if you could potentially increase your existing profits? In order to maximize your profits, you can simply use leverage. Usually, if something costs $10,000 you need to pay $10,000 for it, that’s common sense. However, in the currency market, you don’t have to have the whole price of what you’re buying; you only have to deposit enough money to cover possible losses.
The deposit you put up is called margin, the broker then lets you trade a certain multiple of that margin and this is called leverage. Basically, leverage is a loan that gives you the possibility to make bigger returns relative to the amount invested.
With higher leverage also means not only more profit potential but also much larger losses. In this regard, managing your risk is very important because there is a danger to lose more than your initial deposit. When using a leverage of 1:100 your purchasing power increases 100x time your account balance.
Coming back to our example, this means that with $1000 we can control $100,000 buying power. Under the same above scenario where we forecasted that the EUR/USD exchange rate will rise, if you decide to use the whole buying power available for trading you open the same long trade but with a position size equivalent to $100,000.
At the moment when you close the trade and return the loan to your broker, you are now left with a bigger net profit of $1000. An incredible result after just one trade you were able to double your initial investment.
Trading the financial markets can be done not just through buying securities, but through selling securities as well. You can actually make money from both buying and selling, but the key to trading successfully is to buy low and sell higher.
Not all markets provide you with the same level of accessibility and in this regard, the Forex market can be a great start of your trading career, especially if your initial investment is not that much. Through the power of leverage and compounding making a lot of money trading can be achieved if you’re able to find an edge.
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How the Markets Work? is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
You might be wondering why it’s important to know about how the markets really work. Well, it’s extremely important and we believe that the majority of traders end up losing their money because they don’t really know how markets work. They risk their money without the knowledge of these basics that govern the price movement of all markets.
One of the most popular fallacies about the markets is the statement which says that the price is going up because there are more buyers than sellers. This is completely false because for every buyer there is a seller and vice-versa. In the auction of financial markets, there is never such situation where there are more buyers or more sellers.
Then, what makes the price to move up and down?
To give an answer to this important question, let’s look at two different cases. On the top chart, we have the price of Gold going down and on the bottom chart, we have the USD/JPY exchange rate going up.
What happens in each situation? What makes the price go up on USD/JPY and going down on Gold?
If your answer is that the price is going up because there are more buyers than seller and the prices go down because there are more sellers than buyers than that’s not entirely correct. The markets just don’t work like that. These are the most popular misconceptions about how the markets work.
If you think about it, it doesn’t actually make any sense. For example, you see the price going up and you want to buy because you believe that it will continue going higher so you can later sell with a profit. Now, if the statement about more buyers than sellers would be true, you could be in a situation when you couldn’t buy because there would be fewer sellers than buyers.
In other words, there will be nobody to buy from you just came too late as there are no sellers left to take the other side of your trade. The same holds true if you want to sell because there would be nobody to sell to.
Of course, the market doesn’t work like this, nowadays you can buy or sell anytime the market is open and you can do so at any price.
The reality of the markets and the process behind what drives the price up and down is as follows:
The price is going UP when buyers are more aggressive than sellers. The price is going DOWN when sellers are more aggressive than buyers.
What do we mean by being more aggressive?
It’s simple, aggressive buyer or sellers use a market order to open trades which means that it consumes liquidity. There are two main types of orders in any financial market, it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about Forex, stocks or futures it works the same in any financial market. These two main order types are:
Market orders Limit orders. A limit order will be the one who provides liquidity.
There are also some subtypes of these orders, but at the moment we do not need to know about them.
Supply and Demand Equation.
The total amount of an instrument which sellers want to sell represent the supply side of the market.
The total amount of an instrument which buyers want to buy represent the demand side of the market.
As we’ve previously established, the market moves in the direction where the market players are more aggressive. This is what causes the demand being higher than the supply side. If buyers are more aggressive than sellers the market will move up, and inversely, if sellers are more aggressive than buyers the market will move down. This is what causes the supply being greater than the demand side.
Contrary to the popular believe, the market will continue to move higher until there are no more willing buyers to drive the market up. In other words the market will go up until the demand side drys out.
Inversely, the market will continue to move lower until there are no more willing sellers to drive the market down. In other words the market will go down until the supply side drys out.
How to Practically use Supply and Demand.
By now you probably ask yourself: How can I use these market principles?
Well, you now know that the market is moved by supply/demand imbalance that is driven by aggressive traders using market orders. These aggressive traders need to clear all the limit orders to move the market. With this information, you can now understand what happens when the market makes a new low and reverse or what happens when the market makes a new high and then reverses.
You can also predict where it’s most likely to have supply/demand imbalances. In other words, as an order flow trader, you now should think along the following line: at what price you can expect a massive limit order to be placed which will stop aggressive buying/selling pressure.
Trading with an order flow mindset means that you now need to put together a puzzle where you put small pieces of information to build a bigger understanding of what drives the market.
لنلق نظرة على مثال.
In this example, we’re going to focus on the market scenario of what happens when the market makes a new low and then reverse. What happens in this situation from a supply and demand point of view?
In the chart below, the Gold price is going down. You should now understand what needs to happen in order for the market to stop and reverse. What needs to happen between the supply side – the aggressive traders in this case – and the demand side, which is represented by passive traders?
Let’s first analyze the Gold chart; the price is going down after it created a double top pattern. The sell-off is now visible to all market participants. Now, many aggressive sellers will be selling because the price is going down very quickly and they believe it will continue trading down.
Other indicators based traders will join the sell off later because of the lagging nature of these indicators will trigger a trade well after a move is put in motion. This confirms that there will likely be more aggressive traders pushing the market down.
But are these aggressive sellers?
Most likely not, because these aggressive sellers are most likely small retail traders which are wrong almost all the time. We have learned that for every sell order must be a buy order, most likely the counterparty of these sellers are the smart money or the big money institutions, which uses limit orders to get in the market and which absorb the liquidity.
For example, let’s say that after we broke below previous low 500 buy limit contract show up while the aggressive traders will sell 200 contracts being able to clear 200 buy limits, but 300 more are yet to be paired. Since there are no more aggressive traders to open new positions, it means they are not able to absorb all the buy limit orders.
The price stops because sellers are exhausted as everyone who wanted to sell already sold and there is no one left to continue to drive the price lower, the supply side is drying out. Meanwhile, aggressive buyers are now stepping into the market which drives the price higher and subsequently this move will attract more buyers to buy increasing the demand side.
The buyers are now in control of the market as the demand side is more aggressive. Now, everyone who previously sold expecting lower prices has now his position in jeopardy. Many of the previous sellers have their stop loss placed above the double top pattern because that’s what technical analysis text book says. All the collective stop loss above the market is now considered to be a pool of liquidity, and since we’ve learned that for every sell order there must be matching buy orders, these pools of liquidity will attract those buyers to unload their position.
Going further, once these stop orders get triggered they will become market orders which have the potential to trigger a price cascade that will self-reinforce the price movement.
These are the basics of how the supply and demand work in the financial market and is the reason behind any price movement.
The interaction between market orders and limit orders is what moves the price of any market. The price moves in relation to the number of market orders versus the available limit orders. This may sound really boring and maybe even confusing, but be patient because the more you’ll work to think as on order flow trader the better you’ll understand the markets. Market price moves because of the supply and demand imbalances… supply and demand imbalances change because of the buyers/sellers aggressiveness.
Put it in simple terms, the price of any market moves because of the supply/demand imbalances and because of the buyers/sellers aggressiveness.
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The Game of Trading is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
The game of trading is really a mindset where you analyze the price movement based on what other market participants are doing and are thinking. The main goal is to understand how the other market participants make their trading decisions and how they execute their trades. Focus on analyzing the market context because this is the most crucial thing if you want to step up your trading game plan.
Statistics have shown time and time again that the majority of traders lose money so if you can learn how this particular group of traders think and trade you can develop an exploitable trading edge.
Why is the Game of Trading Important?
Why it’s important for being a successful trader to view the market through the lens of other market participants? If you can’t think objectively of the market forces (supply/demand forces) that drive prices up and down you’ll never understand how the market really works. And if you can’t grasp how the markets work, how could you even trade something you don’t understand?
The game of trading goes beyond the price action; it’s an effort to understand the other market players. We have learned that buy and sell orders or the supply and demand are what moves price and since orders are executed by traders it’s important to view the market in terms of what other market participants are thinking and in terms of their worst fears and greed.
Let’s put the order flow mindset to the test.
When you buy any security, in order to make a profit you need other market participants to buy after your entry point. If there are enough aggressive buyers to consume the supply side the price will move up. The conclusion is that you need other traders to form a bullish bias and more they need to go long for the market to move in your direction.
Inversely, the same is true, when you sell any security, in order to make a profit you need other market participants to sell after your entry point. If there are enough aggressive sellers to consume the demand side the price will move down. The conclusion is that you need other traders to form a bearish bias and more they need to go short for the market to move in your direction.
The Order Flow Mindset at Work.
To trade effectively your analysis should focus on what other market players are thinking. You need to know why and how the other market participants based their trade decisions on. Identify price areas on a chart where the other market players are most likely to buy and sell and a new horizon of trading opportunities will emerge.
In other words, you simply need to do the following things:
Identify price zones where other market participants, especially retail traders, will buy after you. Identify price zones where other market participants, especially retail traders, will sell after you. Identify price zones where other traders will place their stop loss.
The price is a representation of human behavior; therefore it’s based on the sentiment of the majority of market participants. Because it’s based on human psychology and emotions like fear and greed the price is not a true representation of the fair value.
The way the game of trading works with an order flow mindset is related to the human behavior.
ماذا نعني بهذا؟
Well, as a general untold truth, all markets will continue to move in the direction where it can cause the maximum amount of pain to the majority of the traders.
So, in what situation traders feel the greatest amount of pain?
First, when their trades are in negative and they suffer a draw down. At some point they are going to reach a maximum pain threshold when they will need to accept they are wrong and liquidate their position. Secondly, when their trades are in profits, but the market moves against them. At some point they are going to reach a maximum pain threshold when they are forced to accept their trade is no longer valid and liquidate their position before they lose more from their position.
Knowing this valuable information, you can now act upon this pain factor and aim to target those prices that will cause the maximum amount of pain. When the maximum amount of pain is reached, this will release order flow or in other words, liquidity that many big players seek to target.
Let’s take a look at a practical example.
The figure below is an example of how you should judge the price action from an order flow perspective. Short term the price is moving in a downtrend and forms and intraday support. This down move for sure will attract some seller. At point A, price breaks below support which will trigger another wave of selling pressure as breakout traders enter the market.
GBP/USD 1-H Chart.
Down the road, indicators based traders will also get their short signal entry (point B) usually after the breakout due to the lagging nature of technical indicators. The later all these market players enter the market, the less profit margin they will have.
Price is heading into support at point C which most likely will attract bullish order flow and within the context of long-term bullish trend – not seen here current market supply can be consumed easily by the big buyers.
At this point, we can’t know for sure if the market is going to continue down or the demand side will overwhelm the supply side and the price will reverse. So, we let the price unfold and once the market turns we can now understand how these sellers will react once their maximum pain threshold will be reached.
In the above figure, we can see the outcome as the buyers stepped into the market, we assert that as the price progresses upwards these sellers will start to feel the pain of the market going against them and once in a drawdown they will be forced to liquidate their position using buy order which will further reinforce the demand side and help the market push higher.
The real game of trading is to view the market through the lens of other market participants and their trading decision will help you understand the market at a more comprehensive level. With an order flow mindset from now one, you’ll base your own trading decision on other market participants’ decisions and how they trade. Sometimes those traders are triggered because of some technical or fundamental factors.
To put it simply, trading in this new reality of the market is to trade based on what other traders and more precise losing traders make their trading decision and how they trade the market. The game of trading is all about creating and narrating a story behind the price action and the more you practice the better you’ll become an astute trader.
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The Reality of All Markets is a great article or trade setup posted on Winners Edge Trading.
The Reality of All Markets.
There is a strong reason why 95% of traders lose money. So, what can you do to avoid being part of that statistic? Hopefully, this piece of article will put you on the right path of becoming part of the small 5% group of traders who are successful in this business. The harsh truth is that the majority of market participants fail at trading because of two important things:
A lack of understanding how the market really operates. A lack of understanding of what happens behind the scene – behind the price action.
There is a reality of the market behind of what is visible to us. We tend to focus our attention too much on the price action or on technical indicators forgetting the things that really matters. The things happening behind the scene – we call the scene the price because that’s what it’s visible to us – more important than the price action. Understanding the reality behind the price, which ultimately means understanding how the markets operates, should be your main goal if you want to really succeed in the financial world.
In this new reality of how the markets really operate, we can discern the fact that not technicals or fundamentals drive the price up and down but there is something much deeper going behind the scene.
This brings us to an important topic: a price chart is not everything there is about the nature of the market. There is another hidden order beyond the price chart that actually drives the market up and down.
Look beyond the Price Chart.
“A picture (a chart) speaks a thousand words” is an old aphorism that speaks a lot of truth but unfortunately not the whole truth. To really understand what makes a price pattern to work, we really need to understand the market forces behind the price chart.
What are the forces behind a price chart?
In simple terms, the interaction between traders placing buy and sell orders is the real force that drives the price. In other words, this is what we call the order flow. Understanding the order flow will give you a better understanding on how the market really works.
Sometimes the obvious doesn’t seem so obvious, so we feel the need to emphasize the fact that the price action is the effect and the order flow is the cause that makes price move. Unfortunately, the center of attention of the majority of traders is on the price (the Effect) and not on the order flow (the Cause).
Understanding the cause behind any price movement will help you better anticipate and forecast future trade setups. Not just that, but having an order flow mindset will help you enter a trade earlier than most traders. Knowing the real reason behind why price moves will give you more confidence in executing your trades which means that you’re no longer going to be at the mercy of the markets.
Trading purely on the price action (the Effect) it means that you’ll be late to the party because the forces (the Cause) that put in motion the price action has already occurred. It also means that you’ll be buying and selling long after the price was put in motion and you’ll depend on other traders to join the party and push the market in your direction.
Let’s move forward, and disseminate the Head and Shoulder reversal pattern and see how different types of traders would trade this pattern, in comparison with a trader that has an order flow mindset.
Head and Shoulder Pattern – دراسة حالة.
In the figure below, we have a typical example of a Head and Shoulder pattern. After analyzing the price pattern we can discern several possible trade scenarios that are related to different trading styles and to different level of experience.
The breakout traders alongside price action traders would have entered a short position at point number 2, where a range breakout happens and the Head and Shoulder neckline is broken at the same time.
If we speak about more conservative traders, they would probably enter in the vicinity of number 3 after the breakout is confirmed by the candlestick closing below it. The indicator based traders would have entered at an even worse price due to the indicators’ lagging behavior. The longer you delay your entry point, your profit margin decreases substantially, making it hard to profit from the move.
Alternatively, if you would have adopted the order flow mindset and would have based your entry on the “Cause” behind the price movement you could have entered in the vicinity of number 1 and possibly ride the entire down move until near number 4.
Did you ever wonder what makes a Head and Shoulder pattern, or for that matter any kind of price pattern?
The answer to this question is traders executing orders, which at the end of the day is what drives any market up and down. It’s the interaction between the buy orders and sell orders.
Reading and interpreting what other market participants are doing is not an easy job and it requires a lot of experience and practice. You should never enter a trade unless your reading of the Cause behind the price is clear.
The reality of all markets is behind the scene and it’s not something visual that can be seen on the price chart, it’s more a mindset. If it’s something that can’t be seen, and you don’t know about it, then you won’t search for it, and you will be trading for the rest of your live only based on the Effect aka the price action. It’s what you’re not able to see – the Cause – what makes all the difference between success and failure.
The interaction between buy and sell orders, or in other words the supply and demand imbalances is the reality behind the scene and it’s the reality that matters the most. Once you understand the game behind the price action a new reality will be accessible to you.
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I decided to short EURUSD & long USDCHF when both pairs broke out of their first level of support and resistance zone.

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Why Foreign exchange Training Courses Return Better Profits.
If you are, you will certainly be looking to trade the international exchange market, likewise frequently referred to as the foreign exchange. That is why it is encouraged that you take a Forex signals training program. The effective conclusion of a foreign exchange training program is most likely to generate much better earnings.
When it comes to forex training programs, there are a big number of aspirant foreign exchange investors that question if it is truly needed to undertake training. To assist guarantee that you benefit from the foreign exchange market, not experience a loss, you are recommended to very closely analyze foreign exchange training programs to gain their advantages.
By taking a foreign exchange training program, you could not just discover just how to efficiently trade the foreign exchange market, however you might likewise find out even more concerning it. If you have a little quantity of experience with the foreign exchange market or expertise of just how to begin trading, an intermediate foreign exchange training program might be your ideal alternative. While it is real that any type of foreign exchange training program is far better compared to no foreign exchange training program, why not obtain on your own the ideal?
When it comes to forex training programs, there are a big number of aspirant foreign exchange investors that question if it is truly required to undertake training. To aid guarantee that you make money from the foreign exchange market, not experience a loss, you are recommended to very closely analyze foreign exchange training programs to gain their advantages.
In other words, to produce far better earnings, you are prompted to take a look at foreign exchange training programs, specific the programs supplied by Fxcenter. Why begin trading the foreign exchange without the correct training as well as experience, specifically when it is so simple to locate a foreign exchange training program that could not just prepare you for trading, however assist you produce much better earnings.
One of the several facets of a foreign exchange training program that could aid to generate far better earnings is real-time market lessons. You could review a foreign exchange training program publication or enjoy a video clip a hundred times, however never ever stroll away with the understanding or direct experience that comes along with real-time market lessons. Getting involved in a foreign exchange training program that consists of a real-time market lesson is the best method to generate far better earnings.
While it is real that any type of foreign exchange training program is far better compared to no foreign exchange training program, why not obtain on your own the finest? When browsing for a foreign exchange training program, you are encouraged to take a look at Fxcenter. You will certainly obtain the highest possible degree of foreign exchange training feasible, as the objective is to enlighten you on the foreign exchange market, not obtain you as a customer.
When taking a look at readily available programs, you will certainly see that there are foreign exchange training programs that are created for novices. Novices are those that are basically entirely unknown with the foreign exchange market and also foreign exchange trading. If you have a tiny quantity of experience with the foreign exchange market or expertise of just how to begin trading, an intermediate foreign exchange training program might be your ideal alternative.
By taking a foreign exchange training program, you could not just discover just how to effectively trade the foreign exchange market, however you might likewise discover even more regarding it. Acquainting on your own with the background of the international exchange market will certainly not just far better assistance you recognize exactly how the foreign exchange came around, yet it will certainly likewise offer you a far better admiration for the capacity as well as the market to trade international moneys.

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